{27} Now... It begins

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**[m/n]'s POV

Today is when we truly begin our training, once we got to the location we were going to be training intensely at, we were going to break our limits and make our quirks stronger. Each of us were made to do to something specific for our quirks.

Bakugou-san was dipping his hands in boiling water to expand his sweat glands causing larger scale explosions. Todoroki-san was sitting in a large tub of water alternating between ice and fire, also training his body to get used to the freezing and boiling temperatures. Sero-san was continuously releasing tape to expand his capacity. Kirishima-san and Ojiro-san were sparing together, to strengthen Ojiro-san's tail and strengthen Kirishima-san's hardening quirk. Kaminari-san was running his electricity through a large capacity battery, he trains his body to handle large amounts of electricity. Koda-san was yelling at the top of a hill to make his voice reach farther and get over his shyness, his voice is really cute to be honest. Aoyama-San keeps blasting lasers from his bellybutton to increase his firing range and get over his nausea. Tokoyami-san trained to keep dark shadow under control in pitch darkness. Uraraka-san kept spinning around in zero gravity to get over her nausea. Iida-san was running around everywhere to increase stamina and leg strength. Asui-san was climbing up the mountain side to train all her muscle plus her tongue. Sato-san was eating sweets and lifting weights to activate his power up along with Yaoyorozu-san who was also eating sweets and creating thing to shorten the time she needs to create them. Jiro-san was punching the side of the mountain with her earphone jacks to strengthen them, making the hearing quality better, and Ashido-san was melting the mountain side to make her skin more durable to the acid. Mineta-san kept popping out his purple balls so he'd stop bleeding. Shoji-san was training with Hagakure-san to increase his duplicate arms sense. Midoriya-san was training with Tiger-san, one of the wild wild pussycats.

because I can't fully control my transformation, my training had me going through an obstacle course while simultaneously changing from me to a wolf. The hardest was transforming into a wolf before I get hit by the obstacle, it could be a bunch of rocks being flung at me, or a rock shaped into a fist punching me in the gut, and a couple other stuff. This helped me control my ability to transform, shorten the time needed to transform, and also get used to the pain of transforming, cause it stings when I do. And also the obstacle course helps boosted my strength and stamina.


It was only day two and I already can't feel my limbs, I was ready to knock out on the bed for 3 days.

"Now remember what I said yesterday?" Pixie Bob said to us, she was standing next to the green haired cat-lady behind fresh ingredients " 'today is the only day we'll be doing stuff for you' " she quoted herself

"at least make your own food" the green haired lady said "curry!" everyone including myself all turned white, looking sad and depressed. we're all too tired and exhausted to do anything now.

"yessir...." we all groaned 

"you all look exhausted! but that does't mean you can make any old sloppy cat food!" the green haired cat-lady was laughing, she was clearly enjoying this way too much.

"it's true that part of rescuing someone is filling their stomachs and spirits of those during a disasters." Iida suddenly snapped out of his white...ness "that's U.A. for you, no opportunity waisted. let's make the most delicious curry in the world! everyone!"

"Okay..." we all groaned once more

We all split up the work and began cooking, no one expect Midoriya-san knows, but I'm actually pretty good at cooking. I mean, I've lived alone pretty much all my life, I had to learn sometime.

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