{37} Rescue!!

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**[m/n]'s POV

I was so close to not passing, I literally had one target left. I'm really glad that I passed though, but it's not over yet. I had to be careful on my way back to the anteroom, as the robot voice had instructed, I still couldn't see but I could sense were I was going. Anyways, i'd rather not get tangled up in anyone else's fight.

Wow, not being able to see is hard, even with my wolf "enhancements" I'm still tripping over everything. I don't know how I was able to fight off that senpai, I guess it was all that adrenaline... and desperation. I took a deep inhale and exhaled, that way. I'm surprised I'm able to find the place without much hassle, with only my nose to guide me and the scent of all these people and things, it's like a bomb going off in my head. But I could tell that right up ahead is the waiting room. Ahh, I made it~ I left out a relieved sigh

Though, my vision is starting to come back to me slowly, it's like a huge blur and I can't even tell the colours that well. i wonder if anyone from class A is here... I took another inhale and instantly I am able to recognize his scent.

"Todoroki-san..." I mutter under my breathe and without my knowing a smile found its way unto my lips. Should I talk to him...? I nervously fiddled with my fingers No... i'd better not...

"[l/n]?" Todoroki-san called out to me upon noticing my presence Oh no! "Congratulations on passing"

"o-oh, thank you, u-uh you t-too" jeez, i'm such a mess I internally face palmed

"Are you ok? You're eyes are..." he leaned in a bit closer "are you blind?" I guess my eyes revealed the truth

"Yes and n-no" even this up close I couldn't see the details of his face that well, but I knew that he was looking at me like I had a third eye "s-someone's quirk, it made me blind, b-but it's okay, my vision is slowly coming back." I blinked a few times

"Oh, I see" he nodded "can you see anything right now?" I blinked a couple more times and the blur reduced just a bit and I could see a little more.

"Yeah, now I can see your face perfectly from this close" I explained "but I can't see from afar"

"Sounds like you need glasses"

"Oi!" I laughed and playfully punched his arm, he smiled down at me and holy shit he's so beautiful. My heart fluttered in my chest and I had to look away so I wouldn't die. Seriously, how can someone as amazing as him ever settle for someone like me. Luckily, at that moment Asui-san, Yaoyorozu-san, Jiro-san, and Shoji-san walked in.

"Todoroki-san, [l/n]-san, you guys passed" Yaoyorozu-san said once she had noticed the both of us

"Didn't expect any less from you guys" Asui-san said, Todoroki I would expect, but me? When those three senpais came to me, part of me was so sure I was gonna lose...

"What about the others?" Jiro-san asked

"They haven't come yet" Todoroki-san said "it was just us, then you guys came"

"I see, they are not here yet, huh?" Shoji-san said

"Weren't you all working together?"

"That was the plan" I began explaining "but that guy, Shindo, used his quirk and forcefully split us up"

"There's only 30 places left"

"I hope everyone can pass"


In the anteroom there was some food, snacks, and drinks for us to replenish ourselves. At this point my eye sight was totally back to normal so I didn't have to worry about stepping on someone's foot or running into someone. So I could safely go over to grab a bottle of water, but when i was turning back I accidentally bumped into someone. I guess I spoke to soon. I looked up and it was that super intense guy from earlier, the one that got into U.A. but rejected the offer

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