{47} Badass

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**3rd Person's POV

After two, seemingly never ending, days and nights of searching, the heroes where finally able to pinpoint the exact location of where Overhaul and his group where keeping Eri.

In the end, it was Sir Nighteye himself that was able to track her down. He followed a member of Shie Hassaikai into a store where he was trying to buy a little girly toy, most likely for Eri. Nighteye used his quirk, foresight, on him and with that he was able to find Eri.

The mission to rescue her was carried out the very next day, early in the morning.

Meanwhile [m/n] and Shadow were sent to carry out their next mission on the same day Eri's rescue mission was going on, but on a later time.

While they were helping in the search for the little girl, they had simultaneously, discovered the location of where the drugs were being distributed. Though, it had happened on a slight whim.

The two had been following a suspicious looking man, expecting him to lead them to where Eri was, but instead they found themselves watching as several people came in and out of a run down warehouse in the bad side the city. They were carrying small boxes full of they assumed was the quirk enhancing drug.

Shadow and [m/n] both gave each other a surprised look, with their lips pursed in a tight line and their eyes blown wide.

Since part of their instruction was to not engage they quickly snuck away without getting noticed and immediately reported back to Gang Orca.

So, their new mission was to scout out the area, confirm that this was in-fact an illegal drug cartel, map out the warehouse so they can plan where, when, and how to attack.

"I hope Eri's gonna be ok" [m/n] murmured. He and Shadow were currently at the roof of a building, waiting for the perfect time to sneak into the warehouse.

"Don't worry" Shadow firmly patted him on the shoulder "The heroes are gonna bring her back." she gave him a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, you're right" at this point [m/n] knew which heroes were going to save Eri today, Fatgum, Sir Nighteye, Kirishima, Midoriya, Uraraka, Asui, even the big three, etc. He is quite jealous that they get to work with Aizawa Sensei... but he wasn't gonna say that out loud. Though, all in all, he knew she was in good hands.

"I know" she grinned triumphantly "come on, here's out chance"

There was a man standing outside the warehouse, waiting for the door to open up for him, the two snuck up from behind him and waited until he entered before they also snuck inside, completely unnoticed.

They quietly and cautiously follow the man once they were inside the old and dusty building. He unknowingly lead the two heroes to the basement where the real stuff was going down.

Some were packaging little bottles of red liquid into tiny individual boxes, then packing those little boxes into bigger ones. Others were moving the large boxes back and forth, there was also cash transfers and exchanges of the drugs going on.

It was your text book drug cartel, they were quite possibly staring at millions of yen worth of drugs.

"Let's split up and map out the area" Shadow whispered to [m/n]. The boy nodded and went off, thankfully there wasn't a lot of people—at most 15 people— so it was easy for them to sneak around, taking notes of how many exits, fire alarms, windows etc, there were.

Shadow used her quirk which allowed her to merge with her own shadow and move around the basement—she is also able to merge with shadows of other objects, however, she would be immobile.

Claws (Boku no hero academia x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now