{28} My Hero

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**3rd person POV

"why? why are there villains here!?" Mineta moved backwards  

"[m/n]-kun! Pixie Bob!" Midoriya ran towards the two villians, but Mandalay and Tiger stepped in front of him. [m/n] was currently being choked by the villain with the long red hair and Pixie Bob had been knocked out by a long rock thing which belonged to the same villain. Mandalay then telepathically spoke to everyone to warn them about the situation 

"Everyone! we're being attacked by two villains! it's possible that there are more! everyone who can move go back to the camp immediately! even if you come across an enemy, retreat and do not engage!" she spoke

"How are you this evening, U.A high school" the villain dressed at hero killer stain spoke "We are the vanguard action squad of the league of villains!"

"The league of villains?"

"Why are they here?"

"Shall I crush this girl's head or choke the boy?" the other villain said as he choked [m/n] tighter causing him to gag "what d'you think?" Not if I have something to say about that [m/n] flipped over and kicked the villains square in the face, causing him to stepped back. In that instant he brought out his claws and cut through the rock weapon that was pressed against Pixie Bob's head and broke it in half. The Stain wanna be villain tried to grab [m/n] again but he jumped out of the way just in time and moved back behind Mandalay and Tiger

"you, lizard dude" [m/n] began "from the way your dressed, I presume you're a follower of Hero Killer Stain"


"so you're the ones his ideology brought?!" Iida added

"that's right!" he said happily "I'm-- oh yeah, you, with the glasses" he pointed at Iida "you were the one that brought about the end of Stain at Hosu city! I apologize for the late introduction. I'm spinner, the one who will spin your dreams into reality!" he pulled out a weapon that was full of different swords and such

"I don't care, but you bastard..." Tiger stepped forward "you can't damage that woman's faces and then just stand there laughing about it thoughtlessly!" Tiger was full of rage, Mandalay instructed the students to leave while she and Tiger hold off the villains, and she told Iida that he's in charge. The students began running back to the camp but Midoriya stopped and turned back.

"Midoriya-kun? " Iida called out to him

"You go ahead!" he said

"what are you saying!?"


[m/n] ran over to his side and leaned over to whisper in his ear

"Kota-san, right?"

"yeah, he's definitely alone right now" Midoriya replied "Mandalay... I know where he is!"


Midoriya began running towards Kota's secret hideout in the mountains with [m/n] running right next to him. 

"[m/n]-kun, can you smell or hear any other villains?" Midoriya asked

"my senses are all over the place, I'm sensing 7 unfamiliar scents, but I can't pinpoint their exact locati-- gah!" 

"[m/n]-kun!?" Midoriya turned around to see [m/n] being tackled and held down by a villain, the figure was wearing a mask and a dark cloak "hold on!" he ran towards them

"Go! I'll be ok, trust me!" [m/n] yelled out "Go save Kota-san!"

"alright, I trust you! " Midoriya continued on his way to Kota "be safe" he mutter under his breathe.

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