{44} Babe

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**[m/n]'s POV

I had to be at Gang Orca's agency by 10am and it takes almost an hour to get there by train so I planned to leave the dorm at nine. As it got closer and closer to the time I was feeling more and more nervous.

What if I mess it up and he doesn't want me anymore?? What if I say something dumb and do something wrong?? Oh jeez...

Luckily there was a knock on my door that pulled me out of my negative thoughts. I quickly went over to the door and opened it. I was a bit shocked to see Todoroki-san standing there, he was wearing the uniform and holding his backpack.

"H...Hey..." I smiled at him

"I'm going now... but I need a good luck kiss first" he said with the most straight face ever. I put both hands over my face to hide the intense blush that erupted on my face. How can he say something like that so normally?!?! "[l/n]...? Are you okay?"

"mmh" I nodded "...just... caught me off guard..." I muttered as I took my hands away from my face. I placed my hands on his shoulders and went on my tip toes so I could place a soft kiss on his lips "good luck..." He gently ran his thumb over my lips and kissed me back, this time a little harder than what I did.

"You too" he said with a soft smile "...see you later" I waved at him as he headed for the elevators. I could still hear my heartbeat beating violently against my chest, but I was also feeling a little less nervous about meeting with Gang Orca. I still had about 30 minutes to spare so I sat down began sketching random stuff to also help ease my nerve.


I checked my phone to see that Izuku had texted me

Izuku: I gotta leave now for Sir Nighteye's agency! Good luck with Gang Orca!

[m/n]: Thank you. Good Luck with Sir Nighteye!

I smiled to myself before putting the phone down and continuing sketching. Thankfully, I made sure to set an alarm because a lot of times I get so lost in drawing I lose track of time.

I grabbed my backpack and went down the elevator, I took a deep breathe and exhaled as I stepped out. I can do this... I repeated to myself.

"Oh hey, [l/n]" Kaminari-san waved at me as he was having breakfast with Mineta-san, Tokoyami-san, and Kirishima-san.

"Yo" Mineta-san greeted

"Good morning" I waved to them

"Heading to Gang Orca's now?" Kirishima-san asked


"I wish you the best" Tokoyami-san said

"Thank you" I smiled at them and quickly bowed before heading out the door.


The way to Gang Orca's agency was pretty smooth, one long train ride and a short walk from the train station later and I was there, looking up at the tall and massive building.

"...Here I go" thanks to the paper Aizawa-sensei gave me yesterday I knew exactly where to go to find Gang Orca's office. It was exactly 10am when I arrived in front of the door. I took several deep breathes before knocking.

"Enter" I gulped and slowly opened the massive door

"...P-Pardon me..." I slowly walked into the room and closed the door behind me. "um—"

"Sit" his deep voice boomed causing a shiver up my spine. He was sitting on his large black chair with his elbows resting on his desk.

"Yessir" I immediately took a seat in the chair that was in front of him.

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