{26} Training camp

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**3rd person's POV

"U.A. has finished it's first semester and started summer vacation" Aizawa said to the group of class 1-A students outside by the buses. "However... those of you training to be heroes will not receive days of rest. At this summer training camp, we'll have you aiming for even greater heights, for-- plus ultra"


[m/n] was standing next to Midoriya, talking about how excited they were for this training camp, then Uraraka came running up to them, excitedly 

"Deku-kun, [l/n]-kun! it finally time for training camp in the woods huh?" she came up close to Midoriya's face causing the boy to put his hands up, his face turning the brightest shade of pink [m/n] has ever seen.

"y-yeah, that's right Uraraka-san!" he blurted out So close...!

"what's the matter?" she tilted her head to the side

"well, um..." she suddenly remembered what Aoyama had asked her during their exams, about whether she liked Midoriya, her face became just as bright as Midoriya's. She jumped far away from him "I-it's time for training camp! training camp! training camp!" she clapped her hands from side to side, Kaminari and Ashido also joining her in her chant (so cute I can't)

"w-what was that all about..?" [m/n] said in confusion

"Uraraka-san and the others are so excited" Midoriya said.

Suddenly Monoma appeared, be extra and shit as usually 

"what? there are people in class A taking extra classes? does that mean you had people who failed the finals. what? isn't that weird? isn't that weird? even though they're supposed to be better than class B How can that be???" suddenly Kendo karate chopped him on the neck, apologized for his annoyance and dragged him unto the bus. The rest of class be watching behind.

"Class B.." Midoriya smiled 

"we kind of met during the sports festival, but nice to met you, class A"

"I wonder, ever since the sports festival what happened to that black haired kid?" tetsutetsu asked, [m/n]'s face soured up at the thought of Takahashi and it was obvious he didn't like it.

"we don't know ourselves..." Midoriya said laughing awkwardly 

"where ever he is, it doesn't matter." [m/n] huffed and crossed his arm, he turned his head to the side and saw Todoroki was looking at him (they both meet Takahashi during the internship) [m/n] got flustered and turned his head back

"we're getting on the bus!" Kendo called out, then class B followed her into the bus

"Not just girls from class A but girls from class B will also be there" Mineta drooled as he started at the girls asses "it'll be like a buffet we can pick and choose from!"

"that's about enough out of you." Kirishima said

"I knew Mineta was an ass guy" [m/n] unconsciously whisper to Midoriya "probably because that's all he can reach..." he said in a straight face. Midoriya bursted out laughing, [m/n] realized what he just said and his face went bright pink.

"I didn't know you could make those kinds of jokes, [m/n]-kun hahaha"

"well.... let's just get on the bus"


"Everyone, the bus will stop once in about an hour" Aizawa began explaining "after that--"

"let's play some music!" Kaminari yelled out, everyone was chattering completely ignoring Aizawa. [m/n] was sitting next to Midoriya and had his head on the boy's shoulder, he was slowly drifting off, along with Bakugou and Todoroki who were also asleep.

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