{7} Hey, class president!

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**Your POV

I was walking to school with Midoriya and he was telling me about what he told Bakugou and I nearly slapped him for telling Bakugou about him getting his power from someone else, but we was suddenly interrupted with a mic in our face, it was the new reporters 

"What kind of lessons does all might teach?" they questioned 

"Eh!!? Ah... I'm sorry, but I have to go to the nurses' office.." Midoriya panicked as he ran off, I was following behind him but the new people blocked my path asking me some questions as well, along with Uraraka, Iida, and Bakugou

"Do you enjoy All might's class?"

"u-uh..." I froze up, I turned and saw Aizawa and instinctively I ran and hid behind him

"Give us some insight on all might.. cut the feed! Why don't you be a little more reasonable, dude!?" she yells at all might

"The man is off duty now. You're interfering with our lesson here, so kindly vacate the premises" Aizawa said shooing them away but they didn't budge, they starting arguing more about how they just wanted to talk to All might "[n/l/n], get to class" 

"H-Hai" I came out from behind him and joined the others on their way to class 1-A

==========In class==========

"Hope you're rested from yesterday's battle trial. I took the liberty of looking at your marks and evaluation" Aizawa said bring out a pile of papers "Baugou. Stop acting like a 7-year old. You're wasting your own talent. [n/l/n]" I flinched "this goes for both of you. Don't let your emotions take over your actions and ability to think rationally" I knew exactly what he meant, not only from yesterday, but also in the past, I would have just let myself die because I was feeling like shit

"I know" Bakugou grunted

"Hai" I put his head back down, getting scolded by Aizawa felt so shitty, I want to be praised by him, not scolded 

"And you" he said to Midoriya "Are you always planning on destroying your arm, Midoriya. If you keep going 'I can't adjust my quirk so I have no choice' you'll never get terribly far. I've said it before. don't make me say it a third time. once you've cleared that hurdle, you'll be much more flexible, so I need to some sweat out of you, Midoriya"

"Yes Sir!"

"Now let's get on with the homeroom notice... I'm sorry to have to spring this on you all, but..." what now!?... another pop test!?  "We need to pick a class president"

"Finally, something school like!" everyone began raising their hands, wanting to be the class president, even Midoriya and Bakugou raised their hands. only a select few didn't raise their hands, like Todoroki and myself. Todoroki.... sounds familiar, Todo...roki Ah! Endeavour! the fire guy that help All might in defeating my parents! this must be his son, how come I only realized this now! I should talk to him or something, to conform my theo--

"Be quiet!!" My thoughts are interrupted by Iida. he began talking about how we shouldn't want it just because we would like to, and that being the leader is about responsibility and carrying the weight of other's blah, blah... he says this even though his hands are raised the highest. long story short we will be voting 

"It's still too early to have developed any trust in each other." Asui said

"And everyone will just vote for themselves!" Kirishima argued 

"And that's precisely why the person who does manage to get multiple votes will be truly appropriate for the job, no?" Iida said "Is that all right sensei!?"

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