{33} Moving in

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**3rd person's POV

After Aizawa-sensei had left, [m/n] began packing his things, tomorrow he'll be moving into the dorm hopefully with the rest of his classmates, if their parents accept. He packed all of his Eraser head posters and figurines, clothes, and his weapons. Then he packed other smaller things like toiletries, sketchbook and other drawing supplies, things for school and other personal things.

==========A few hours later==========

[m/n] was done with packing and the school had already come to move his stuff to the dorm. His room was now empty and he realized just how spacious it actually was. He sat on his bed and thought back to when he first moved in here, he was 12 years old at the time and was just staring junior high where he met Midoriya again. He was so scared and paranoid, he was already used to being on his own, so putting himself out there so suddenly after years of isolation was a huge step for him. Sometimes he wondered what life would be like if he hadn't met Midoriya, it would have been a mess, that's for sure. [m/n] pulled out his phone and texted Midoriya.

[l/n]: hey, Izuku, are you gonna be living in the dorms too?

*Ring* *Ring*

[m/n]'s phone suddenly started ringing causing him to jump

"He's calling me?! I wasn't ready for that!" [m/n] took a deep breathe it's just a call... chill. [m/n] answered the call and Midoriya spoke first

"hey, [m/n]-kun"


"Are you done packing?"

"Yeah" [m/n] replied "did your mom say yes?"

"Not at first" Midoriya said, then he began explaining the situation to [m/n]. About how All Might had showed up and her not trusting U.A. as much anymore and how All Might had bowed to her and all the things he had said about Midoriya. "because I had ignored my moms feeling and didn't realize how worried she was, it ended up like that"

"whoa... but she'll let you live in the dorms?" [m/n] asked


"You have a really good mom Izuku, she cares about you a lot" 

"Yeah, that's why I won't make her worry anymore" Midoriya said in a determined voice

"That's good. Then, let's go to school tomorrow together, ok?"

"Ok. I'll see you tomorrow"

"see ya, Oyasuminasai"


They hung up the phone and went to bed, it had been a long day and tomorrow will probably be even longer. 

==========The next day==========

Once [m/n] was ready, he texted Midoriya saying that he was on his way to his place. He turned off all the light and unplugged all the electrical wires, he locked the door and put the key in a secret pocket in his backpack. He began heading toward Midoriya's place, it wasn't that far so he was able to get there within 5-10 minutes. When he arrived he knocked on the door and it was his mom that opened it. [m/n] quickly bowed to her

"Ohayōgozaimasu, Inko-San" [m/n] greeted

"Ohayō, [m/n]-kun" she smiled

"ano... Inko-San" [m/n] hesitated before speaking "uh... I know your worried about Izuku, but, he's become really strong now... so... um, what i'm saying it that... you don't have to worry about him, he'll be fine...." Was it ok for me to say?!?!

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