{18} Phase 2

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**3rd person's POV

"haha, surprise mother fucker" Takahashi smirked "missed me?"

"what are you doing here!?" [m/n] yelled

"who is he?" Native, the pro hero, asked

"he's trouble" Iida said

"trouble~? that's harsh Tenya-chan~" he placed a hand on his chest dramatically "don't worry~ I'm not here to hurt you guys"

"that's hard to believe" Todoroki joined in

"hehe" Takahashi giggled "well... I'm only here for one reason" he whipped his to [m/n] and pointed his finger at him "you."

"don't come anywhere near him!" Midoriya put a hand out in front of [m/n] but wobbled often since he had gotten a cut on his leg from stain

"izuku-chan~ your hurt right now, you should just take a rest." he quickly moved forward charging Midoriya but Todoroki froze his leg in ice before he could attack. Unfortunately he transformed his hand into a hammer and shattered the ice. "oh come on~ don't be like that. I only wanna try this~" he pulled out a little needle with a black substance inside it

"what is that?" Todoroki asked keeping his distance 

"I believe it's more mutagen?" he tilted his head to the side and smirked at [m/n] causing him to flinch

"[l/n]-kun! stay back!" Iida yelled it's my turn to protect him Iida thought. Takahashi began laughing 

"[m/n]-chan" he started "don't you wanna know more about father's plan?"

"what the hell are you talking about!? it's complete isn't it? I'm already like this!" [m/n] shouted from behind the pro hero and the 3 other U.A. students

"Baka~ did you really think Father  would stop with you only have this power" his voice became dark "you're still far to weak to defeat all might... or anyone for that matter"

"tch" [m/n]'s eyes darkened "why are you still like this?" [m/n] stepped out from behind the four "don't you have anything better to do? what happened between us is in the past." he looked him in the eye "get over it."

"bastard" Takahashi growled

"[m/n]-kun don't get closer to him!" Midoriya yelled out

"this is more than just some petty rivalry" Takahashi place a hand on his waist "it's your fault I wasn't considered to be good enough, because of you, I was abandoned!" he yelled

"Nani!? My fault!??"

"After you faked losing against me, I was taken back 'home' with Alexis and continued my training back there. But I ended up doing horrible, because YOU were always on my mind. it's like, like you were engraved into my head, your voice, your face, EVERYTHING! I couldn't forget about your stupid face, and how you lied to me! because of that Alexis just dumped me on the street and I was left alone. I went through hell because of you, so I swore that I would get back at you." he clenched the needle in his hands

"you think you're the only that's been through hell?" [m/n] ran a hand through his hair "if anyone was abandoned it was ME!" [m/n] ran forward and grabbed Takahashi by his collar and pulled him down so they'd both be at eye level "you left me alone! you knew I never wanted to be part of father's plan! you knew how lonely I was before you showed up! you knew how happy I was when we were together! you knew all of this, and yet... yet you still said what you said back then, yet..." his voice became smaller "you still abandoned me" he pushed him back and wiped away the tear that had escaped his eye. 

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