{5} First day of school

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**Your POV

After seeing our scores we told Midoriya's mom and she was very proud of us, she offered for me to stay for dinner and I didn't feel like being alone so I decided to stay for dinner, after I went back to my 'home' to process this whole situation. The son of the two most dangerous villain, was accepted into Yuuei, fucking Yuuei! And closer to becoming a hero, as long as I keep my identity hidden I'll be fine if my secret is never exposed I'll be accepted as a true hero.


Today is the first day of school at U.A. I would meet Midoriya by the bus station and since it was close to the school we would walk to school the rest of the way. We were currently walking through the school gates. Every year less that 1 in 300 examinees make it in. 37 kids passed, so 19 in one class and 18 in the other.

"You excited [m/n]-kun?" Midoriya asked me

"Yeah, there's gonna be a lot of new faces, so I'm quite nervous, I'm really glad that we both have class 1-A together" we were running out of time so we began jogging around looking for class 1-A until we came by this huge door that has 1-A written largely on it

"well... this door's humongous" I nodded in agreement "We'll be along side the chosen few who passed the exam" he opened the door and the first thing we saw was that glasses kid yelling at Bakugou.

"Don't put your legs on the desk! Don't you think that's disrespectful towards your classmate!?" the glass guy says

"No, as a matter of fact, I don't think so, which middle school are you from anyways, you two-bit extra!?" extra?

"A private sch-- Ahem. I'm from Soumei junior high school. The name's Iida Tenya" Iida says

"Soumei~~!? Well aren't you an elite. Seems I've got a reason to fucking end you after all!" Bakugou yells at Iida

"What nerve! you, want to be a hero!?" Iida gasps, he turns his head and makes eye contact with Midoriya then he walks over to us and I glared at him remembering what happened on the day of the practice exam "Hello, I'm Iida Tenya from Soumei"

"Oh yeah, haha, I overheard. uhh... i'm Midoriya. Nice to meet you, Iida" Iida turned to me and stretched out his hand 

"Hello, I'm Iida Tenya" I looked at his hand and looked back at him with a glare on my face... it's hard to control my emotions... I can stop what I wanna say but my controlling my facial expression is something beyond my control.

"[m/n]" I simply face, turning my head away and completely tuning out of what Iida said, I looked back to see the red haired boy from the entrance exam, Kiri... ma.. jiro? Ah Kirishima Eijirou! He noticed me as well and smiled at me, I flinch a little and gave a small wave as I looked down. I looked back and saw that Midoriya was covering his face from the brown haired girl form before, he was blushing intensely and she was pumping her hands up and down talking about how he made it and how amazing his punch was (during the entrance exam, when he punched the shit out of that robot) 

"I wonder if today's the ceremony? or is it guidance counselor stuff today? Oh, and the teacher, what'll they be like? I'm so anxious, like wow!" I looked as Midoriya continued to blush as I stood next to him, oh yeah... I wonder who our homeroom teacher will be.

"If you're gonna be hunting for buddies do it elsewhere" an unknown voice suddenly appear, we looked down to see a man in a... sleeping bag? That voice... "This is the department..." he took out a juice box and drank it "...of heroics" the whole class was silent, wondering who the hell this man was. he stood up and took off his yellow sleeping back and I instantly know who he was... 

"E-Eraser.. head" I muttered in a low voice as I looked at him with pure shock

"Hmm, it took you lot 8 seconds to quiet down. Life is short, kids. You're all lacking in common sense" he says

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