Love Hearts <3 SFW version

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this is the SFW version of my NSFW one shot, Love Hearts <3, just kissing in this one!
also, that's actually what a haggis looks like! they're really tasty but can be hard to catch!!

Peter opened up his packet of Love Hearts. He picked the first one up and smiled at it. He had a plan.

Leaving two love hearts on the counter, he left the kitchen and went to his and Harleys room.

The other Avengers were all on different missions, the earliest anyone would be coming home was next week which was Bucky and Sam and they would just stay in their room until Steve and Natasha got back from their mission.


Harley got back from his run and saw two love hearts on the kitchen counter. He read them before eating them. 'Find me' and a winky face.

He left the kitchen and went to their room.

Harley opened the door and saw Peter sitting on their bed nervously.

"Hey darlin'. Found the love hearts you left on the counter."
Harley said, sitting next to Peter.

"I've got one more."
Peter said shyly.

"Hold your hand out."
Peter asked.

Harley said, holding his hand out.

Peter lifted his closed hand and dropped the third love heart into Harleys hand.

Harley turned the love heart over and smiled at it.

"Of course darlin'."
Harley said, cupping Peters face with his hands and kissing Peter gently.

Peter smiled into the kiss. How did he end up with such an amazing boyfriend?

lmao here's a SFW version.

also, who believes me when i say that the picture at the top is a haggis? cause if so, you're wrong. haggis ain't an animal lmao even though my school tried to convince us it was. it's basically just animal organs mashed up with oats (i think) and wrapped in sheep's stomach. very nice if you ignore what it's actually made of :)

See! also it's illegal in the US because of a ban of food containing sheep's lung which is most of the ingredients

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See! also it's illegal in the US because of a ban of food containing sheep's lung which is most of the ingredients


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