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i PROMISE this ain't angst, it's just crack :))

Sam and Bucky were laying in bed. Bucky was reading the Hobbit and Sam was trying to sleep. They had just gotten back from a hard mission and all Sam wanted to do was to sleep but he couldn't, not with Bucky keeping the lamp on to finish his book. (mood)

"Hey," Sam asked, turning over to face Bucky. "Do you remember when we first met?"

Bucky put his bookmark in and closed his book. "Nope." Bucky placed his book on the bedside table and turned the lamp off.

He laid down and faced Sam. "Why?"

"Cause you ripped my damn steering wheel out." Sam said. Bucky stared at Sam.

"I did?" Bucky asked, horrified.

"Yep. You stole my steering wheel and then you wrecked the rest of my car. You still owe me a new car by the way."

"Sam, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it, I promise." Bucky said.

"I know. It was just funny seeing your face." Sam smirked before closing his eyes.

"Now shh, I want to sleep."

this is an apology fic for the shit show that was the last one :)


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