April Fools

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this is just Shuri and Peter playing pranks and shit on the team plus Clint tags along.

"Do you have it?"
Shuri whispered.

Peter whispered back.

Shuri and Peter were crawling in the vents. Why? I hear you ask, well it's April Fools day.


Clint turned around the corner and bumped into something.

"What the fuck?"
The thing said quietly.

Clint asked, rubbing his head.

"What are you doing in here?"
Clint asked, looking at the teen.

"Just going on a walk, what the fuck do you think I'm doing?"
Peter asked, glaring at Clint.

Clint said sarcastically.

"Can you two please shut the fuck up, Steve and my brother are right below us."
Shuri said.

"Are they?"
Peter asked, crawling towards Shuri.

"What are you two doing to them?"
Clint asked.

"Dropping water balloons on them."
Shuri replied, grabbing her bag off her back, Peter copying her.

"Can I join?"
Clint asked.

Peter and Shuri looked at each other and had a silent conversation.

Peter said, handing a water balloon to Clint.

Shuri pried the vent cover off and carefully placed it next to her.

"Are you two ready?"
She asked, Clint straining to hear her.

Peter and Clint nodded and Shuri held up three fingers.

She mouthed.

Dropped a finger.

Shuri, Peter and Clint dropped the balloons onto T'Challa and Steve.

Peter shouted, and the three scurried away in different directions.


Ten minutes later, Peter, Shuri and Clint met up in Peters bedroom.

"That was fun, who's next?"
Clint asked, rubbing his hands together.

"Well, it was you, Natasha and Wanda next but I suppose it'll just be Natasha and Wanda."
Peter said, examining a notebook.

"So what are we doing to them?"
Clint asked, crossing his arms and going into mission mode.

Peter and Shuri grinned brightly, it kinda freaked Clint out.

"We're dumping flour on them."
Peter said and Clint stared at them.

"Do you two have a death wish?"
Clint asked.

The two answered immediately and in synch.


Peter, Shuri and Clint got the bags of flour out of their bags silently.

Peter asked and they ripped open the bags with Peters pocket knife silently.

Peter counted down with his fingers like Shuri did earlier and they dumped the flour on the two Avengers when he reached one.

Wanda immediately put a barrier up with her magic.

"Aw come on."
Peter whined when the prank didn't work.

"Better luck next time baby spider and Shuri. And Clint, watch your ass."
Natasha said.

"We'll get you next time!"
Peter said before cackling evilly.

"Dude, you sound like an evil villain."
Shuri said.

"Is that good?"
Peter asked.

Shuri said.

"A lot has changed since I was a kid."
Clint muttered before following the teens out of the vent.


Peter, Shuri and Clint continued playing pranks on the other Avengers.

Switching Tony's coffee for hot chocolate, bribing Steve to keep holding Mjolnir so that Thor couldn't summon his hammer, hid Bruce's notes, switched Fury's plain black eyepatch with a bright pink one, managed to convince Scott's army of ants to steal his taco, put a mat in front of Pietro just as he was sprinting round a corner, making him fall on his ass, they tried to prank Vision by doing the same prank as they did to Wanda and Natasha but he just phased through it. ("Oh come on!" Peter had whinged.), Peter and Shuri managed to hack into Redwing and programme the robot to annoy Bucky and completely ignore Sam and to top it off, Clint then stole Buckys arm. He obviously returned it half an hour later when he nearly got stabbed by said man.

The Avengers decided it was time for the trio to have a taste of their own medicine.


"Where is everyone? I thought there was an important meeting?"
Peter asked, looking around the empty room.

"I would say that we're early but the mission was supposed to start five minutes ago."
Clint said, checking his watch.

Just then, flour was dumped over the three.

"What the fuck?"
Peter shouted, wiping the white powder off his clothes.

"Payback bitches!"
Someone-Wanda-shouted as water was poured on top of them.

"Aw fuck."
Shuri complained.

Clint asked.

"As Wanda said, 'Payback bitches'."
Steve said.

Bucky said and Steve huffed.

ok, i've been in a ~strange~ mood recently, dunno why, probably undetected mental health issues again but fuck knows so if i seem distant these next few weeks, you motherfuckers know why

also, life tip for you guys, don't study History at 1am in the morning

Love you Pingus and stay the fuck away from drugs and stay safe! also stream BTS :))


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