Rest with the angels now At heaven's gate you laugh

530 21 14

title from beautiful pain by andy black

trigger warnings for self harm, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, spiralling, blood and major character death
(think that's all i need to tag)

Tony scanned the ruined battlefield, searching for one person in particular.

"Tony? You ok? You're looking a bit pale in the face." Steve said, coming up to the anxiety ridden man and placing a hand on Tonys shoulder. Tony couldn't speak, just pushed the supersoldier out of the way and continued his search.

Several of the other Avengers came up to ask if the billionaire was ok but he just pushed them away, his anxiety causing him to become mute. Tony stumbled around, almost falling to the ground because of his wounds when he heard a small cry of pain.

"Mr-Mr Stark." He heard. Tony pushed himself up and went as fast as he could to the small hero lying on the trashed ground.

"Kid, Peter. It's ok. You're going to be ok." Tony said, fighting through the anxiety to speak. He lifted one of his shaky hands and wiped most of the blood and dirt away from Peters face, uncovering a scared look on the teenagers face.

"I don't think I'm going to live Mr Stark." Peter said, coughing harshly. Blood started dripping out of his mouth and nose at a slow pace, bringing some colour to his pale face.

"No. Don't you dare say that Peter. You're going to live. FRIDAY, get the quinn jet here now." Tony said, tears gathering in his eyes, not yet falling. After not getting a reply from his AI, Tony started getting worried.

"FRI?" Tony asked, his voice cracking. Peter brought one of his hands up and gripped the hand that was still on his face. Tony was startled at the touch and looked at Peters face.

"Tony, it's ok." That was when the dam broke. Tears started slowly falling out of Tonys eyes and dripped one by one onto Peters dirt ridden face.

"It's not. Peter, stay with me. Don't you dare think about dying." Tony was full on panicking now. "Tell-tell me about your friends, Ned and MJ right? Tell me about them." Tony was trying to distract Peter from the fact that Tony was panicking.

"Ned's my best friend, we've known each other since-since nursery. He's more like a brother than a best friend to be honest. He was there for me when Uncle Ben-when Uncle Ben died and when I told him about being Spider-man." Peter was wheezing now. "MJ is my newest friend. She's really cool and she reads a lot of books. I really like her Mr Stark."

"Do you like her as a friend or more?" Tony asked.

"More. I think, I think I might have a crush on her."

"That's great Pete." Tony said, smiling sadly. Peter grew silent, the only sounds Tony could hear was the rattle of Peters chest as he breathed in and out, the only indication that Peter was alive.

"Mr Stark? Am I going to die?" Peter asked.

"I'm going to be honest with you here kid, I don't know. I can't contact the team or FRI. I can't fly you back because my suits not working." Tony said, working himself into a panic attack.

"Ok. Tony, if I die, could you tell Ned, that-that he was a brother to me-" Peter cut himself off with a harsh coughing fit, coughing up more blood. Tony turned him onto his side so that he couldn't choke on the blood.

"And can you tell Aunt May thanks. Thank her for me. She'll understand. And-and tell MJ, tell her that I like her." Peters breathing was getting slower and it was getting harder to breathe.

"I will Peter. I will kid." Tony promised, wiping away the slow stream of tears running down Peters face.

"And Mr Stark? Thank you for the suit. And please don't blame yourself." Peters tears started flowing quicker, the reality of what was happening setting in. Tony nodded and leaned down, pressing a kiss to Peters hairline.

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