"Who did this to you?"

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SpideyFrost :)

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SpideyFrost :)

Peter shakily stood up after Flash left the alley. He wiped his nose and looked at the amount of blood on the back of his hand and shuddered, he never really liked the sight of blood. (I love the sight of blood, it's cool. That probably sounds really sketchy since the last one shot I asked if anyone knew any good podcasts about serial killers lmao)

He scaled the wall to the building and sat down, away from everyone, or so he thought.

He heard a poof and he knew that Loki was there.

"What do you want?"
Peter asked.

Loki didn't say anything, just crouched in front of Peter and put his pointing finger and middle finger under Peters chin and slightly tilted his head up to get a better look at the wounds.

Loki didn't say anything as he swiped his thumb over Peters bloody lip, wiping the blood off.

Loki looked in Peters eyes, and Peter flinched from the anger in his eyes. His heart skipped a nervous beat.

"Who did this to you?"
Loki growled, keeping eye contact with him.

"N-no one. Leave me alone."
He tried to turn his head but Loki didn't let him.

"Tell. Me. Who. Did. It."
Loki said slowly, growling slightly.

"Just a boy from school, now leave me alone."
Peter said.

"What's his name? I won't leave you alone until you tell me Peter."
Loki said.

"His name's Flash Thompson."
Peter sighed, knowing that Loki won't leave until he said it.

"Why did he do this?"

"I don't know. He's been doing it since the start of High School."
Peter said and Loki growled.

"Don't kill him, please don't."
Peter said.

"Don't worry little spider, I won't kill him."
Loki said before disappearing.

Peter felt a chill go through his body and he felt much better. He touched his nose and there wasn't any blood there.

He stood up and changed into his suit before going on patrol.


It had been a few hours since the incident and Peter was sitting on the edge of a building admiring the view.

He heard a poof and knew that Loki was there.

"What did you do to him?"
Peter asked.

"Just scared him, that's all. No one hurts you and gets away with it."
Loki said and Peter blushed.

"Why did you care so much?"
Peter asked.

"Am I not allowed to care?"

"No you are but I didn't think you would care about me."
Peter admitted.

"I care in my own ways. I pay attention to those I care about."
Loki says.

"I guess you really care about me since you pay attention to everything I do."
Peter said, chuckling.

"Yeah, I guess you can say that."
Loki said.

"Why do you care so much about me then? I'm just a teen."
Peter said.

"And so am I, little spider. We're the same age you know, in Midguardian age, I'm 17, same as you."
Loki explained and Peter nodded.

They sat in a a comfortable silence for about 20 minutes, admiring the now setting sun.

"Oh my god I'm so dumb."
Peter said and Loki smirked.

"You've been hitting on me!"

"For someone who goes to a school for smart people, you're not very bright."
Loki said and Peter blushed.

"I'm smart in other things, but I'm not smart in stuff like love and feelings."

"Neither am I so don't worry."
Loki said and smiled at Peter.

"But we can learn together."
Loki put his hand on top of Peters and they smiled.

A long one! Finally! It's about 600 words :)


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