Romeo and Juliet kinda

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Basically I had a dream like this but it was with Twoset Violin lmao, it was actually pretty good, might write the original dream below this

Character death kinda, don't worry, you'll find out later ;)

Flash pushed Harley down the stairs, making the boy slam into the windowsill and then fall down to the ground.

Peter shouted, running down the stairs.

Peter checked Harley for a pulse and broke down crying when he couldn't find one.

Peter cried, hugging Harleys body.

Ned came down and placed a hand on Peters shoulder.

"The police are coming Peter, come on."
Ned said, leading Peter away from Harleys body.

Peter sobbed into Neds shoulder and Ned hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry buddy."
Ned said, letting Peter sob into his shoulder.


Darlin': I miss you Harls
Delivered- 9-10-2019

Darlin': It hurts so much Harls
Delivered- 11-10-2019

Darlin': I love you so much
Delivered- 15-10-2019


Darlin': I'm finally going to see you soon Harls, I'm doing it today
Delivered -21-10-2019
Read- 21-10-2019


Peter was sitting in History before putting his jotters into his bag and leaving the room half way through the class.

"Mr Parker! Mr Parker!"
His teacher said, leaving the room as well.

"You can't just leave the room!"
His teacher shouted, following Peter.

Peter started running out of the building and to a warehouse on the edge of the town.

He climbed up the fire stairs to the roof and stood on the edge.

Peter heard someone running up the stairs but ignored it.

The person rushed towards Peter and hugged him tightly.

"I'm so sorry darlin'. Please don't do it."
The person said.

"No. It can't be. You're dead."
Peter sobbed.

"I should have told you. It's really me Darlin', honestly."
Harley whispered into Peters ear.

Peter turned around and sobbed even harder seeing Harleys face.

"I love you so much."
Peter sobbed into Harleys chest.

"I love you too."
Harley said, kissing Peters head.

"You died though. I couldn't hear a heartbeat."
Peter mumbled.

"I took a special pill to do that. I'll explain everything if you come down with me."
Harley whispered into Peters ear.

Peter nodded and allowed Harley to lead him down the stairs.


"So you managed to witness a mafia kill? How are you still alive?"
Peter asked.

"I was put into witness protection by the police. We had to figure something out to get me safe without telling you so I asked Flash if he could help me."

"You asked Flash?"

"Yeah, he said yes and then we devised a plan to get me safe."

"So the plan was that Flash would push you down the stairs to fake your death, then when the ambulance came they took you to a safe house and you stayed there for a month before the police caught the mafia and you're safe now?"
Peter asked.

"Yeah basically."
Harley said.

Was all that Peter could say.

"Yeah. I missed you though. I couldn't message you or anything."
Harley said.

"But how did you know that I was going to the roof?"
Peter asked.

"They caught the mafia guys today and I was brought my phone and saw all the messages. I tracked your location and yeah."
Harley explained.

Peter, with tears in his eyes again, hugged Harley tightly.

"Please don't leave me again. I don't think I'll survive."
Peter whispered.

"I won't. Don't worry darlin'."
Harley said, kissing Peter deeply.


Time for the Twoset version lmao, obviously Breddy, also Sacrilegious bois, Vov Dylan and Ben Lee are gonna be in this! As well as Ray and Hilary! Also this is gonna sound more unrealistic because I'm literally basing it all on my dream lmao. And if you want to skip it you can, i don't mind!


Ben pushed Brett down the stairs, making the violinist slam into the wall and onto the ground.

Eddy shouted and rushed down to his boyfriend.

Eddy asked.

"Is there a heartbeat?"
Ray, Brett and Eddys best friend, asked.

"I-I don't know."
Eddy said.

The school nurse came hurrying into view, pushing away the two boys.


Ray and Hilary found Eddy on the roof of their hangout place.

"How're you holding up?"
Ray asked as they sat next to Eddy.

"Not good. I can't believe he's gone. He can't be gone."
Eddy sobbed.

"I'm sorry Eddy, but know that you have us."
Hilary spoke.

"Thanks guys."
Eddy said.


Eddy got up from his seat and started packing his stuff back into his bag half way through the lesson.

"Mr Chen? What are you doing?"
His history teacher, Mr L asked.

Eddy didn't answer and left the class, muttering 'cheese' as he left.

The head of year started chasing him through the school. Eddy burst outside and ran.

He got just past the railway tracks but stopped because he was surrounded by armed police officers.

One of them shouted.

"On your knees with your hands being your head."
Eddy did just that.

Just then, Brett burst through the line of armed officers and sprinted towards Eddy.

Brett shouted.

Brett attacked Eddy in a hug and they all lived happily ever after, the end.

Yo, happy late New Year! even though january is nearly over lmao fuck that's actually kinda scary lmao

Ok so i'm sick but not sick if that makes sense? it ain't a cold or anything like that but i'm sick so i haven't been able to update (or do school or anything) because of that but in about 2 weeks i should be fine! it's honestly disgusting, the reason why, so i doubt people would want to know that and i don't particularly want people to know what it is that i have to deal with every single fucking year


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