SamBucky soulmate au

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SamBucky, hinted Stucky i guess? Stony, aroace Natasha

the timeline for this is so fucking messy. wakanda is known to the world, civil war hasn't happened (and WILL NOT) happen and winter soldier happened but also not happened at the same time (it's around this time the story is set but also like right now) no endgame or infinity war 

When someone is born, they're born with a permanent ring. It's a simple ring, only 1cm wide, wrapping around their left ring finger like a tattoo that cannot be removed. That's where the ring finger got its name. The ring changes colour to show someone what emotion their Soulmate is going through.

Red for anger, Yellow for happiness, Light Green is disgust, Blue for calm, Orange for annoyance, Grey for confusion, Dark Green for pain, Purple for familial/platonic love and Pink for romantic love. The ring only turns Pink whenever Soulmates meet.

When James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes was born, his ring was Black. Whenever anyone saw his ring, they grew upset for the young boy who had no Soulmate. The colour Black represented Death.

When Bucky was 6, he asked his Mama why people always apologised when seeing his ring. "The colour of your ring means that your Soulmate is dancing up in the stars, it means that you won't meet your Soulmate until very late in your life." His Mama always told him.

Bucky's best friend, Steven 'Steve' Grant Rogers, was born with a Black ring. Ever since the two boys met in 3rd grade, they stuck together until the end of the line.

When Bucky joined the army for the Second World War, Steve followed him, becoming Captain America, the hero who brought about the end of the War.

But before the end of the War, Bucky fell from a train to his death. Steve was grieving for his best friend. Those in Bucky and Steve's regiment saw Steve's Black ring and assumed that Bucky and Steve were Soulmates. Steve never bothered to correct them.

It was the death of his best friend that made Steve spiral, quite literally. Before the end of the War, Steve plunged into the icy waters of the Arctic. It was thought that he killed himself upon impact but his body was never found.


70 years after the war, Steve woke up.

70 years after the war, Steve's ring turned Orange.

70 years after the war and a week after waking up, Steve's ring turned Pink.

Steve finally had a Soulmate.


After hearing that his fathers idol was discovered alive and had woken up just a week later, Anthony 'Tony' Edward Stark's ring turned Grey.

After meeting his fathers idol, his ring turned Pink.


James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes wasn't dead. He was alive. Barely.

He was missing an arm - his left arm - but Bucky barely noticed. He was put onto ice after every mission, torture session and training session.

James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes no longer existed, only the Winter Soldier remained.


Samuel 'Sam' Thomas Wilson was born with a Grey ring. Sometimes, the ring changed to Dark Green or Red. A couple of times, his ring turned Black before turning to Grey again. Sam always felt bad for his Soulmate, he wanted to eradicate whatever his Soulmate was going through and give them a hug.

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