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sorry for weird layout, writing on my chrome book as phone is busted. when my phone is fixed i'll probably go back over it 

Bucky stared at the wall for several minutes. Zoning in and out of the conversations happening around him. He found out that Peter P was getting in trouble for missing two days of school for patrolling, Peter Q stole Thor's poptarts, Clint dented the vents again and someone stole Lokis favourite knife. 

Bucky stared at a shaky patch of light on the cream wall for several minutes. Curiously, Bucky moved his arm and the light shifted. Bucky smirked internally. 

Scanning the room for a certain person, Buckys eyes zeroed in on his victim. Samuel 'Sam' Wilson. Sam was having a conversation with Steve about a movie or something they both watched, Bucky didn't care, he just wanted to inflict pain on Sam. Sam had stolen Bucky's plums and no one steals them and gets away with it. 

Bucky moved his arm to the left, the patch of light moving slowly towards the unsuspecting victim. 30 seconds later, the patch of light was inches away from Sam's head, the patch had actually grown in size slightly. 

"Hey Buck, you ok?" Steve asked, noticing his best friend had been glaring at the wall. 

"Yeah." That seemed to satisfy Steve and he went back to his conversation with Sam. 

Bucky moved his arm to the left once more and he had succeeded! 

"Oh fuck!" Sam shouted, flinching from the bright light in his face. 

Bucky snorted almost silently but from the glare he received from Steve told him that the other man had caught it. 

"Buck, apologise to Sam." Steve said, Sam glared at Bucky. 

Bucky sighed internally. "Sorry." He said bluntly. Steve glared at Bucky and he sighed again, this time externally. "Sorry for blinding you with my arm. It was immature of me." Bucky said and Steve grinned, giving him a thumbs up. 

"Apology accepted. Asshole." Sam said. Steve sighed but at least his friends were kind of getting along. 


Steve was wrong. 


Sam walked into the living area after his run with Steve who had already arrived at the compound ten minutes earlier. 

Sleeping on the couch was Bucky who was finally comfortable enough to fall asleep in the presence of others and out in the open. Sam grinned widely, he was finally able to get revenge. 

Sam picked up a bird feather that had flown in from the window underneath a birds nest and crept silently towards the sleeping man. Sam leaned over Bucky, careful not to create a shadow, held his breath and tickled Buckys nose. No reaction. Sam tickled Buckys nose again and Bucky scrunched his nose up in discomfort. Sam made an annoyed face before tickling Buckys nose one last time. 

Bucky slammed his hand on his face and sat up straight, nursing his newly dislocated nose. Bucky breathed in sharply. "Oh fuck fuck fuck. Shit fucking shitting shit fuck." Bucky swore and Sam laughed loudly. Bucky had managed to hit his face with his metal arm and it was sore. It was very sore. 

"You're going to pay Wilson." Bucky growled, reset his nose and chased after a petrified Sam. 


Steve got out of his cold shower and went into the kitchen to brew himself a cup of tea when Sam shot past him with an angry Bucky trailing very close behind him. Steve stared down the corridor where the two had disappeared down for thirty seconds before going back to his original plan: making a cup of tea. 

He had also decided that he was going to treat himself and watch a programme that the spider boy kept talking about, Spongepants Squarebob? 

me: *says im back from my month long hiatus* 

also me: *doesn't update for several weeks* 

hola Pingus 

--Penguin (penguin emoji) (they/them)

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