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Vera's POV

I froze at the panic I felt down the bond. It had taken me by surprise after a year of being dormant. I stopped paying attention to what Aurora was saying as I searched for the source of Trygve's worry. I had made a promise, after all. 

"Moons..." I said, cutting her off. She turned towards me. "Follow me," I told her. She looked towards me in worry.

We flew over New Berk, looking for a sign of anyone that we knew.

"Vera!" a shout came from below. My head snapped towards Astrid.

"Aunta!" I called back as we landed. My eyes drifted behind me.

"Are you okay, Verr? You seem distracted," she said.

My eyes darted towards her again. "Yeah... fine... Can you take care of Aurora? I need to go do something..." I trailed off.

"Of course! How long will you be gone?" she asked.

"At least four days... maybe longer..." I said distractedly.

"If you're not back in a week, I'm sending a search party for you," she said sternly.

"Make it two... Night will know where I'm going if you need a starting point..." I told her. I shot a glance at Aurora. "Be good for Aunta," I told her. 


"I mean it, Moons. I'm not leaving you again, okay?" I said.

She nuzzled her head into my chest. "I don't want to lose you, Mum!" she whined.

"And you won't. I'll be back in two weeks, maybe even sooner," I replied. "But, I really do need to go, Moons."

She looked at her paws dejectedly. "Okay..."

I smiled sadly. "I love you, Aurora," I murmured before taking wing.

Trygve's POV

Lokicrest was in turmoil when we returned at daybreak.

"Father!" Arvid shouted over the crowd of people.

"Arvid?" he demanded, looking around. We pushed our way through the crowd towards him.

"Where's Vera?" he asked.

"We hadn't found her, yet, when we heard about the Visithugs," I butted in for Arvid.

"We're preparing an evacuation of all the children and elders," he replied. "But I fear that we'll be too late."

"They'll be here tomorrow," Arvid said. 

"They'll be directly in the Visithugs's line of fire," Dad whispered. "Cease evacuation! Cease!" He shouted. Everyone turned to stare at him. "All children and elders to the far end of the island!" 

No one moved as they continued to stare at him.

"What are you waiting for! Go! Quickly!" Solfrid shouted. I shared a look with Arvid, we all knew that it would only be a matter of time before the children and elders were found, and then they would be killed too.

"Why are the Visithugs going to this much trouble for one man?" I asked as we followed Dad through the crowd.

"It wasn't just one man. It was the Chief's youngest daughter. She was offered as a marriage agreement with some other tribe," he replied. "No one would own up to the deed, so now the entire tribe is at risk."

"That's not good," I murmured. Our entire tribe would be demolished for the deeds of one man.

"Solfrid, I need you to lead them to a safe spot. I want you to defend them with your life," Dad said.

"Aye, Chief. It is my honour," she replied before shouting, "This way, people!"

"What do you want me to do, Chief?" I asked.

"Go to every house. Get everyone out. Tell them where to go. Warriors to me, everyone else to Solfrid," he stated.

"Yes, Chief," I replied before running off.

The Next Day

Everyone was on edge as the sun approached the horizon. It was thick enough that you could hardly see the fuzzy haze of the sun just starting to peek over the horizon.

A sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach.

"Brother," I whispered, breaking the silence between us. "We're not going to live through this, are we?"

He hesitated. "No," he replied. "They have the advantage in every way except their knowledge of the land. But even that won't be enough to save us now."

"I want to say thank you. I couldn't have asked for a better brother," I told him.

"Me neither, Trygve."

"Just in case I don't see you again, Arvid..." I hesitated. "I'll see you in Valhalla," I told him before hugging him. He hugged back.

"I'll see you in Valhalla," he whispered back.

A sudden gust of wind blew the remaining fog away. It revealed the shining mass of warriors that were already on the island. I felt sick at the sheer number of warriors that were ready to demolish Lokicrest. There were too many boats to count, and, at least, fifty times the number of men and women.

It was then that the first arrows rained down on us. Arvid lifted his shield to protect us from the onslaught. I could only watch as so many of our people fell. The tears welled in my eyes, blurring my vision as we returned the volley of arrows.

"Until the end?" Arvid asked me. He offered me his hand, a sad smile gracing his face. This was the end for us. We both knew it. 

"Until the end, brother," I replied as I took his hand. I smiled sadly at him in return as we raised our weapons, ready to go down fighting.

I let out a war cry and was followed by my brother and our people. An answering war cry came from the Visithugs.

Both sides ran towards each other until a thunderous explosion came from the boats. Everyone turned to look to the spot where smoke was billowing towards the rising sun.

Confusion flew through both sides until a purple light caught our attention just before another explosion came. A third explosion came from the other side of the fleet. When the smoke cleared, all that was left were scraps of wood and flames. The flames from the explosions quickly started to eat at the rest of the boats.

"Gods above..." I murmured.

"What. Was. That?" Arvid asked.

I turned to look at him. "I have no idea..." I muttered.

No one noticed the lone figure jumping over the boats until the fourth explosion hit, right in the middle of the army that had been ready to destroy us.


Dreamchaser and Arvid are 27.

Falcon and Trygve are 24.

Delta's children are 23.

Osmund is 22.

Zephyr and Twilight are 20.

Nuffink is 18.

Aurora is 4.

Blackmoon and Cloudscale are dead.

The Rise of Light (Book 3: Together Forever)Where stories live. Discover now