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Vera's POV

I was mad. No more than mad. I was furious. That was until the words were spoken that changed everything.

I didn't have many memories from my first couple of years. And I couldn't remember my Aunt being pregnant back then, but that didn't mean it hadn't happened.

Osmund was in shock.

"Liar! Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third is his father!" I shouted. Just because I was mad at Osmund didn't mean I wouldn't defend him.

Osmund was staring into space.

"Oh, Vera..." The stranger tsked. "I am no liar. I might stretch the truth, but I don't lie."

"He is my cousin and future Chief of Berk!" I shouted back. "He is no son of yours!"

"Don't you even want to know who I am before you make such judgements?" I paused. I did want to know who he is. But that wouldn't change my thoughts about him. Hiccup is his father. He took my silence as permission to continue, "My name is-" However he was interrupted by an axe slicing a hairsbreadth from his outstretched hand.

"Get away from my son, Viggo!" Astrid shouted as she landed in between us and him.

"Astrid, a pleasure to see you again."

She snarled at him, "Get away from my son and niece."

"Don't you mean my son, Astrid. After all, I am his birth father, no matter what you say." My Aunt's eyes widened almost imperceptibly. 

Osmund was tilting his head, something he'd gotten from Hiccup. He straightened his back and squared his shoulders before pushing past his mom and glaring at Viggo.

"You may be my birth father. You may be the one who sired me. But I am no son of yours. Just because you seem to think you have some right to me does not mean you actually do. I am my own person and my mother's son. My mother is Astrid Fearless Haddock Hofferson. My father is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, Chief of Berk and the dragon prince. I do not accept you as my father, just as I have learnt to accept that I was not born into this family. My name is Osmund Fearless Haddock and you are not my father." I gave Viggo one last glare before turning and walking away.

"Now, I should kill you, Viggo. But since you are my son's birth father, even though he has rejected you, I sadly cannot. So, here's what's going to happen. You are going to come with me and Vera and Ash back to Berk and Toothless will decide your fate."

"You've mentioned 'Toothless' several times. I would like to know who I will be speaking with." 

My Aunt's answering smile was enough to chill me to my bones. "You will see soon enough, Grimborn."

Viggo's POV

I had felt shock and despair flood me when Osmund had rejected me. It had taken all of my self-control to keep up a cool facade of indifference when inside I was being torn apart.

Astrid Hofferson had unwittingly given me enough time to get control of myself to effectively raise my mask.

I had watched as Hiccup had been struggling to control himself and I knew it was because of what I had done to his wife.

The only ones in attendance were Hiccup, Astrid, Twins with blonde hair, a guy with black hair, another man with blonde hair, a woman who was obviously Hiccup's mother, Vera, and my son. They had all been speaking amongst themselves but when the door creaked open, they silenced themselves quickly.

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