Fight For Your Life

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Falcon's POV

I had woken up as soon as Night had attacked Hiccup and had wanted to help before Night killed him. Well, that is the answer to my earlier question.

"Good. Now, onto him..."

I quickly hid in the shadows as he turned around, searching for any sign of me. As he turned his back to me, I attacked, knocking him over with a blast and pinning him.

A snarl rose from his throat as he started a roll. My eyes widened. I... had underestimated him.

I managed to push him off of me before darting away.

"You can't outrun me, little dragon!" Dear gods! That voice sent shivers down my spine.

He attacked again and there was no doubt left in me that this... was not Night.

I felt the claws slice into my skin leaving a stinging wound behind.

Searing heat bloomed beside my head as I narrowly dodged a plasmablast. He's trying to kill me!

If it wasn't inhabiting Night's body I might've found that a little less disturbing, but no such luck.

"I'm going to kill you, little dragon!" it snarled at me.

I looked around frantically, searching for any way out of this terrifying situation.

I shot straight into the air without hesitation as a plan formed in my mind.

I drew in whatever electricity I had left and became invisible, I'd need a recharge if I survived this.

"What? Where?" the thing shouted as Night twisted around in the air. I saw his nose twitch but he wouldn't find me in time.

I dived down on him and shoved him to the ground forcefully.

"That. Hurt... A lot..." the thing groaned as I pinned Night's wings to thr ground.

"Give me back Night..." I growled at it.

It rolled its eyes."Night. Is dead. I killed him," it replied.

"Wh-what?" I asked and it took my momentary distraction to flip me over and pin me.

"You... are going to die now. But how?" It tapped a claw on my throat. I stared at the monster before me. And the small spark of hope, died. I was going to die. Not a shadow of doubt left.

I closed my eyes as I prepared for the pain that was sure to come.

"What the... I thought you were dead!" It shouted. "Nooo-oooooo..." the voice changed in the middle of the last word.

I opened my eyes to see that the creature before me was pushing off of me while panting heavily.

"I said, no," he whispered heavily as a tear leaked out of his eye. "I was too late..." he whispered as he staggered a couple of steps away. 

"Wh-what just happened?" I asked as I got up. I watched Night still before turning towards me, disbelief written in his eyes.

"You're alive," he whispered as he attacked me. "I thought..." he seemed to realize what he had just done because he took a step back. "Sorr- No! Little half-troll! Ugh!"

"You okay?" he asked me.

"Yes. Completely fine. It's not like something took control of my head and tried to make me kill you," he replied sarcastically.

"Oh. Right. How are we going to get rid of it?"

"Well, we're on a time limit. Very short time limit. No! I can't keep fighting this thing. But... See already losing... Okay, I need you to get me four things. Can you do that?" I nodded. "Good. Because I am trusting you with my life."

"Y-your life?" I stuttered the enormity of what I had just agreed to finally hitting me. While I thought, He trusts me with his life. That's a first.

"My life. First, I need the antidote to Dragon root. Second, I need a potato. And third-"

"A potato?" I interrupted and he gave me a soft smile of understanding before his features hardened again.

"Yes. A potato. Third, I need you to get my Uncle Rowan. And fourth, I need a lot of bandages."

"What? That is so random!" I shouted as he flinched again.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. But... I need to eat the potato and Dragon root antidote together. Got it? If I don't... kill me. Do not use the bandages until I eat both. Understood?"

"Kill you?" My eyes widened. He was serious about this.

"Yes. I value my life but if I don't get both down I'm dead so might as well take this monster down with me."

"O-okay..." I don't think I could do it.

"Falcon. Promise me, you'll kill me if I don't get the antidote and potato down," he told me with a stern look.

"I... can't kill you..." I told him and he let out a long sigh.

"Fine. Then at least don't heal me, okay? Promise me that at least." Heal him? What is he talking about? I didn't injure him. Not even a little bit.

"I promise," I replied with only a moment of hesitation.

"Thank you. I would get it myself but I wouldn't make it there and back before I lost control and went on a rampage."

"So about how much time do I have?"

"I'd say ten minutes, but I may be off, I'll buy you as much time as I can but the fact that I managed to wrestle control away is a miracle by itself." I nodded before taking off as fast as I could. I would make him safe again. Then who knows...

I landed back at the Healer's hut and poked my head through the door again.

"Oh! Hello! What's the matter?" a man asked me.

"I'm looking for a Rowan. He's Night's Uncle," I replied.

"Well, you're talking to him. What do you need?"

"I'm Falcon and... well, Night sent me to get you, the antidote for Dragon root, a potato and stuff to heal a wound."

"Falcon. I recognize the name, you were Night's boyfriend, right?" I just nodded, getting a little antsy. "I don't know how he would've been able to tell you that."

"I'll explain later but apparently he's on a very short time limit so ummm could you maybe get the things and just make sure he's okay? He was pretty serious about it, too."

"So those ingredients should help him?"

"Apparently," I replied.

"If there is some way to save my nephew, I'll take it," he replied before walking through a door and coming back. He was accompanied by a Snifflehunch. "This is my friend, Forestflame."

"Lead the way," Forestflame replied.

I launched into the air and flew back to the love of my life.

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