Late Night Encounter

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Nightengale's POV

The island I had landed on with Osmund was fairly remote. The beautiful North End of it was uninhabited, while there was an entire village at the South End. I wished that we could've landed elsewhere, but there was nothing close enough unless I wanted to drop dead from exhaustion.

I was worried we would be ambushed by the tribe, but we both needed sleep.

"We're gonna have to be quiet tonight," I told Osmund.

"Easy for you to say, you don't have a soul that's tearing in two," he muttered.

"Os! I'm serious about this!" I whisper-shouted at him."There is a tribe on this island. I don't know how they feel about dragons. So if they see you, they might try to kill you. Plus, it's their responsibility to protect the island from strangers."

"I hate it when you're right," he muttered. "I mean-"

"Be quiet," I mumbled as I crept towards the entrance of the cave.

"Night Fury..." someone said in awe.

I bared my teeth as I readied myself for a fight.

"Gale?" Os asked.

A man with long brown hair appeared, a sword in his hand.

"We have trouble," I growled back.

"You... are going to make a fine addition to my collection of dragon skins," he stated. 

I rolled my eyes. "Do you always talk this much?" I asked rhetorically.

I wasn't fast enough when he attacked. His knife struck my side. I released a bellow of agony.

His eyes flashed in joy. 'Disgusting creature,' I thought.

He bolted. No! He can't bring more humans back here! I gave chase.

We ran through the woods.

Suddenly, he jumped onto a log and did a dive roll. I rolled my eyes as I landed before I felt myself fly towards the trees.

"Not so smart, after all," he muttered. I rolled my eyes.

I let a roar.

He drew closer with a laugh.

"Your roars are pointless, dragon. By the time anyone hears you, you'll be dead." I let out a sigh. He was probably right.

A sound had me looking up, and I watched in shock as a black dragon tackled the man to the ground. She leapt off of him, shifting as she circled him.

"Hello, Arvid. Such a pleasure to see you trying to kill one of my kind," she snarled.

"N-not p-possible..." he murmured.

"Precisely what I said earlier this evening," she replied. I felt myself drop from the tree. By the time I looked up she was facing me, my face drained of colour at the sight of my sister.

Vera's POV

I shifted as I ran through the trees. The feel of wings on my back had me smiling.

As I leapt through the trees. 

My claws dug into the soft ground as I skidded to a stop. I could've sworn I heard a- The roar sounded again. -Night Fury call...

I dove towards the distress call. My wings and paws were carrying me as fast as I could go.

Who knew how much time I had before that dragon was nothing but a lifeless body.

As I approached the clearing, my nose picked up two scents, one of a Night Fury and the other of Arvid.

I snarled to myself. I had been living amongst a tribe of dragon hunters for the past month. My- Trygve was a dragon hunter. 'It shouldn't hurt this much,' I scolded myself. 

I pounced on Arvid the second I saw him.

"Hello, Arvid," I sneered as I circled him. Such a pleasure to see you trying to kill one of my kind," I snarled.

"N-not p-possible..." he murmured.

"Precisely what I said earlier this evening," I replied. I let loose a knife and faced the Night Fury, who was staring at me like she had seen a ghost. 

"How could you use us!" he demanded in rage.

I huffed at his audacity. "Please," I scoffed. "I had no idea how much danger I was in," I told him. "I mean, what dragoness in their right mind enters a village full of dragon hunters?" I asked him.

"You're the Shadow Demon," he murmured.

"Well, at least you aren't a complete Muttonhead," I told him.

"What have you done to my brother?" he asked.

"Nothing," I replied. "He is completely safe. Or at least, he was when I last saw him."

"Is your name even Valkerie?" he demanded.

"Nevermind! I rescind my previous statement! You are a Muttonhead! Trygve literally shouted my real name when I was panicking. Speaking of that... are you sure you want to take me on considering the amount of damage I did earlier while not being able to see?" I asked.

"I will not let you harm my village!" he stated.

"Fine," I muttered. In a movement so fast that he couldn't react, he was knocked unconscious.

I fell to my knees.

"Vera? Is that you?" I stiffened at the wavering voice.

"What are you still doing here?" I demanded. "I set you free."

Before she could answer, a young man burst through the trees. I had a knife to his throat before he could blink. My eyebrows raised as his wings flew open in shock before folding neatly against his back.

"Could you put the knife down," she demanded. "He's with me," she finished at my expression. I gave him one last withering glare before lowering and sheathing it.

He raised his hands while sidling closer to the dragon.

"Wait... Vera?" he demanded. His eyes were wide with shock as he looked me up and down.

"How do you both know my name?" I demanded with crossed arms.

"But... You said..." he stuttered.

"I know!" she replied.

"You gonna answer my question... or should I just go do a couple of things?" I asked them.

"A dagger to change the world, Verr," she said with a small smile. My hand automatically gripped Heartflame. I froze as everything crashed into me. She shifted, and I was embracing them both as I cried.

"I missed you so much," I murmured.

"So what mess do you need to sort out?" she asked me mischievously.


Hey!!! I just want to wish you all a Happy New Year!!!! Goodbye, 2020!!! Hello, 2021!!!! I mean it wasn't all bad. But I'm welcoming the new year!!! I hope you all had the best year possible what with covid and all. And I wish you all a great New Year!!!

Dreamchaser and Arvid are 26.

Falcon and Trygve are 23.

Delta's children are 22.

Osmund is 21.

Zephyr and Twilight are 19.

Nuffink is 17.

Aurora is 3.

Blackmoon and Cloudscale are dead.

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