What Vera Always Does

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Vera's POV

I took one last glance at my brother as he lay, happily staring at the wall as he went on and on about Falcon.

I smiled as I shifted and took flight.

I should've done this before Night's feelings for Falcon had risen this high. I scowled at myself. I had potentially just screwed up big time.

I shook my head. No use thinking such thoughts. It's no use now. 

As I landed outside of Falcon's den. "Hello? Anyone home?" I called and stretched as I waited.

A nose poked out of the shadows.

"Uh. Hi. What are you doing here?" she asked innocently.

"Uhhhh... is Falcon home. I'd like to have a... talk with him," I said and mentally slapped myself. Way to be subtle, Vera!

She stepped out of the shadows fully, revealing a pitch-black Night Fury with midnight blue eyes.

"Oh... I'll go get him..." I frowned as I watched her tail get swallowed by the darkness of their cave.

I waited patiently for a couple of minutes when the male Night Fury I was looking for appeared.

"Oh! Uh! I have-"

"We should go for a flight, okay?" I said sweetly, but a flash of my claws had him nodding and following me.

"Heeey, Vera," he said with a hesitant smile when we landed.

I smiled back at him, "Hey, Falcon."

"Wh-what do you want?"

I sat down and stretched while showing off my claws by leaving deep lines in the dirt. "I want to have a little chat."

He gulped nervously, "Ab-about wh-what?"

"Oh? Things," I replied while examining my claws.

"Uh... wh-what m-might those things be?"

I flashed him my teeth through a smile before answering, "You and my brother, of course."

"What do you want with Night?" he demanded as his head whipped around to look at me with a snarl.

I gave him an unimpressed look. "Yeah. He's my brother, so I don't really get where you're going with that... Not that I really want to know... That could get weird, fast. I came to tell you something..."

He smiled again nervously and it was my turn to snarl.

"If. You ever have the audacity to hurt Night in any way, shape or form, know that I. Will. Not. Rest. Until you are nothing more than a couple of ashes on the wind." His eyes widened in fear and I smiled innocently as I licked a forepaw.

"O-okay. I w-will take that seriously."

"Good. Because I'm not joking." I set my paw down and looked at him with a smile. 

"I do hope you know that I would never want to hurt him."

"Why is that?"

"Because I'm in love with him. He's my world... What does that grin mean?" he asked carefully.

"You should probably go take care of your sis-"

"Vera! How. Could. You!" Night roared as he tackled me. I used his momentum against him and flipped us over so that he was pinned. He tried flipping us again so that he was on top, but I rolled my eyes and whacked him with my tail.

"Calm down. I didn't hurt him. You know that I never do that. Wellllll... unless they hurt my family first... I just threaten them. Now shush. If you're really that worried over the, and I quote, 'Perrrrrrfffffffeeeect drrrrrrraaaaaagon', then go check on him!!!" I felt Night's scales heat up under my claws as I let him up.

He muttered something as he stood up that I chose not to hear.

"I'm getting sloppy... They never catch me doing this..." I muttered to myself as I flew back to our den.

I flew into something and crash-landed next to a river. I shook myself out as I stood up, groaning from the pain.

"I am soooo sorry about that. I wasn't looking where I was going and... yeah, I'm sorry, completely my fault..." I trailed off as I turned to see an albino Nadder shaking himself out.

"Sorta my fault, too. I wasn't looking where I was going, either. Sorry," he said.

"All good..." I trailed off as I looked away.

"Oh. Uh... Cloudscale..." he told me with a small smile.

"Vera..." I said as I looked back towards him.

"That's a pretty name..."

"Uh... thanks... I like your scales... I've never met a Nadder with white scales..."

"Thanks... They... uh... gave me my name..."

"It's a good name..." I replied.

"Ummm... do you... I don't know... wanna go for a flight?" he asked.

"Uhhh... sure... Why not?" I asked him with a small smile while mentally slapping myself. 

What are you doing, Vera! You just met him! And after what happened with Avery! 

I never actually loved Avery and you know it! I argued back. 

Yeah well he still hurt you! 

Because I was a complete idiot!

Doesn't matter! Males can't be trusted!

Human males can't be trusted-

How do you know a dragon will be any different?

Well, let's give this a shot!

Don't say I didn't warn you! I smiled warmly at him and followed him into the sky.

Hiccup's POV

"Do you two really have to go?" Zeph asked me as I was preparing to take flight with Astrid.

"Yes. We do. Your dad needs a break and Grandma Valka is staying with you guys for the next three days."

She scowled, "But I never get away with anything when Grandma Valka's around."

"And you get away with stuff when I'm around?" Astrid asked her.

"Well... no... but! I get away with stuff when dad's around!" she said. Astrid turned and glared at me.

"Not my fault! She gives me her big blue eyes! She gets it from you!" I shouted with my hands in the air.

"So you're saying it's my fault," she stated.

"No! I'm saying that it's Zeph's fault!" Astrid rolled her eyes.

"Hey! Is not! I get it from you guys!" Zephyr shouted in indignity.

"Okay! We're leaving," I told them quickly as I saw the anger rising in their eyes.

"But-" Astrid protested.

"Nope! Let's go! C'mon! We're going!" I said after I had shifted into a dragon and nudged her onto my back. "Bye Zeph! Bye Nuffink! Bye Osmund! Be good for your grandma!" And took off before anyone had any more objections.

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