A Wedding

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Hiccup's POV

I can't believe she still wanted me. Even though I'm going to have to live at least a thousand years longer than her as payment for coming back.

As I was talking with Toothless I noticed a movement and everyone's head turned to see Astrid walking towards me, a huge smile on her face as she held my mother's arm. I smiled back.

Her beautiful white dress was flowing behind her as she walked and there were little petals floating down around her.

I didn't care how beautiful she was, though. Not when she still loved me even after all that had happened. 

As she stepped up beside me I hugged her, "Are you sure?" I asked.

"Never been more sure of anything," she replied as she pulled away.

Tuffnut stepped up. He had completed his training through Gothi (with Gobber's translation) when Astrid had asked him to officiate.

He just stood there and Astrid had to hiss at him, "You have to read it."

"Oh! Right! Do ye, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, child of Odin, dost taketh Astrid Hofferson, daughter of Freyja, to be his betrothed? To loveth and cherish her until thou takest thou place in the Halls in Valhalla." 

"I do. I swear that I will love and protect you, even though you don't need protection, from now until forever. To never forget you not even when we're a whisper of dust in this world. Not even when we spend time apart. Because I love you, Astrid Hofferson. Because I love you more than I ever thought possible." I had tears in my eyes as I looked at her. Every word I spoke was true. She smiled at me.

"And do ye, Astrid Hofferson, daughter of Freyja, dost taketh Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, child of Odin, to be her betrothed? To loveth and cherish him until thou takest thou place in the Halls of Valhalla."

"I do. I swear that no matter what. That even if we spend long times apart that I will love you forever. Even when I walk through the Halls of Valhalla. And I won't ever forget you. And I promise to protect you, which you most definitely need." I smiled at that. "Never doubt how much I love you, Hiccup because I couldn't love you more than I already do. I love you and even if every rotten thing happens to us, I will be okay because I have you." She stared into my eyes and I felt as if she was staring into my soul and I couldn't help smiling a little more.

"That-that was just beautiful," Tuffnut said while sniffing. "And by the utterance of these words, this union may only be broken in the Halls of Valhalla. I pronounce you husband and wife." There were cheers as Astrid and I kissed. 

We broke apart when we heard the music start.

"Can I have this dance with you?" I asked Astrid and held out my hand. She smiled before pulling me onto the dance floor.

We danced until our feet hurt. Song after song. For the first time, in what felt like forever, I laughed. I felt carefree as I danced with Astrid. Forgetting all of my worries from before.

"I need to sit down!" Astrid said through her laughter.

"Me too, my feet are killing me!" We walked over to the tables and sat down.

There was a clinking sound as my mother stood up. "Toothless wants to make a toast!"

Everyone's attention turned to Toothless, "I've known Hiccup since we were three years old. And I want to thank Valka for teaching him to love dragons. And even though I wish he had a better life in the village... I'm grateful. Grateful that he found me and we became friends. I haven't known Astrid nearly as long, but she married a wonderful person. And is probably the luckiest person alive to marry Hiccup." I looked down as he said, trying to hide the redness that crept onto my cheeks.

"And Hiccup is incredibly lucky to have found Astrid. I know this because they complete each other. And I see the happiness that is brought about whenever they are around each other. Hiccup. Astrid. I want to wish you every happiness possible. You both deserve it."

We clapped for Toothless's toast. The sweetness of it and how it was all true.

"Now. Who wants cake!" Ruffnut shouted and my mom quickly stole the cutting knife from her and giving her a piece and shoving a forkful in her mouth to keep her from complaining. Astrid barked a laugh when she saw this.

"Dis is gwood cake," Ruffnut mumbled around the cake in her mouth.

Mist walked up to us, "Is this like the human equivalent of a mating dance?"

"Yea. We make a huge deal out of it. But it's also more fun, wouldn't you say?" I asked her.

"It is. I don't know why dragons don't celebrate like this. Although we can't really make music it is still more fun."

Astrid came back after she'd gone to get some cake and talk to Ruffnut.

"Hey, Mist. How are you?"

"Pretty good-"

"Hiccup!" Someone squealed and I turned to see Eclipse bounding towards us. "Look!"

She lifted her chin slightly to show a necklace made of rocks. I stifled a small laugh.

"It looks beautiful," I told her.

"You mean crazy," Mist muttered. Eclipse gasped in outrage as Astrid and I laughed. "Uh oh! Gotta fly!" Mist shouted as she ran away from an angry Eclipse, rock necklace jangling, chasing after her.

"Those two are insane," Astrid muttered with a small smile on her face as she sat back down.

"That they are, but they're sweet and good friends," I replied before digging into my own piece of cake.

"I'm glad you met them."

"Me too, Astrid, me too."

We finished our cake before returning to the dance floor and dancing well past the time that everyone left. We danced well into the night until we fell over giggling, literally. 

We lay there watching dragons flying overhead.

"I love you, Astrid." 

She smiled at me, "I love you, too."

The Rise of Light (Book 3: Together Forever)Where stories live. Discover now