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Night's POV

I woke up to the feeling of metal being clamped onto my wings and tail. The drowsiness was what stopped me from attacking.

The massive headache had returned as well as a new voice. It sounded ancient, conniving and powerful.

'Hello, little one.'

'Who said that?'

'I did,' a creature appeared. It was a venom-green colour. I watched as its body shifted, the surface rippling as if it was made of liquid. 'You're not wrong.'

'How so?' I asked it, not letting any of my shock show. I watched as it changed shapes, over and over and over again. 'Shifter,' I hissed at it.

'No.' It responded cooly.

'Then what are you?'

'Such a curious mind, little one. I shall have fun destroying it,' it smiled evilly and I worked hard to keep the fear inside me from showing.

'You didn't answer my question,' I responded. A mask of cold hard indifference moved into place. Shielding my innermost thoughts from him.

'An experiment. They thought that I would kill you faster, they didn't realize that what they did gave me a mind of my own...'

'Really,' I replied in a bored tone and it frowned at me.

'I am stronger than you, little dragon,' it snarled at me. 'My ancestors have been used to destroy your kind for centuries.' I rolled my eyes in amusement. This was too easy. 'Dragon root and Dragon's downfall have killed your kind and now I shall finish their duty through you,' it stated finally.

'Cool,' I faked a yawn. 'So you're like a mix between Dragon root and Dragon's downfall?' I asked in a flat tone.

'Yes, I am. Although, they called me the true downfall of dragons.'

'You need a better name than that. How 'bout Deadly Downfall?'

'That is completely redundant. And off-topic.'

'True Downfall, then? Oh! How's this? Deadly Dragon root? Dragon Eliminator? Death of the Dragons! Ummm... Dragon Mindcontrol? Mind-seizure? Mindcontroller-?'

'ENOUGH! It doesn't matter. I am going to kill everyone you love! And I'm going to make you watch it! I should've made you watch as I killed that grey Night Fury! That would have broken you, especially after that one, what was her name? Right! Vera! Attacked us right afterwards. What did she shout...?'


'Right. Him. I went right for the throat. And he's dead.'

I looked up at the creature in front of me, 'You shouldn't have done that.'

'Why not? I mean sure we're trapped and all now, but still.'

'Because Vera and I... we won't rest until you are dead." Copying Vera's positioning and movements. I flared my wings, narrowed my pupils, swung my tail side-to-side, bared my teeth, flattened my ears, flexed my claws and snarled dangerously.

It took a step back in understanding. You didn't take my mind and kill my brother and expect to get away with it. 

But I wouldn't make any moves. Not yet. Not until I understood this creature. What was the saying that my father always said?

Keep your friends close... and your enemies closer.

Oh. I would keep it close, alright. And then when I knew its every move. I would keep to the shadows, silent and invisible. Then when it forgot I existed... When I knew its every move... That's when I would strike. Deep and true.

The Rise of Light (Book 3: Together Forever)Where stories live. Discover now