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Night's POV

I heard a dragon enter. My ears twitched picking up the sound of claws scraping against stone, "Don't go," I told whoever was there.

A sudden intake of breath told me that they thought I had been asleep.

When I opened my eyes I saw a midnight blue dragon laying down in front of me, his red eyes meeting mine.

I felt myself bare my teeth and confusion flooded me. Where was this anger coming from? I'd never met him before.

"Well, I guess I deserve that," he told me as he started to get up to leave.

"Ummm... sorry... I don't know what's wrong with me... Well, this is embarrassing... Where are my manners... I'm Night. And you are?" I asked innocently. My head was in turmoil. My heart, head and instincts arguing with each leaving me in the dark.

He snapped back around at my question. I had a small smile as I looked at him while my teeth remained exposed. "Wh-what did you say?" he asked with wide eyes.

"My name is Night. What's yours?" I repeated

"Falcon. My name is Falcon. But don't you remember me?" he whispered.

"No. Should I? I mean my heart says that I love you, don't know how it's possible to be in love with someone you just met, though. And my head is telling me I'm angry at you but I don't know why. I mean you've been nothing but nice to me since I met you and if my heart is telling the truth then why would I be mad at you. And then my instincts are telling me that you're my mate but I don't remember having a mate so my mind is a jumbled mess... Sorry... I'm ranting... But... It's all so confusing... I should let you go..." I turned my head away from him.

"W-wait what did you say?" he asked me.

"It doesn't matter. I should probably get some sleep," I told him without turning to look at him.

I heard a deep inhale before he started talking again. And I didn't want him to stop.

"I'm so sorry, Night. I know you don't remember what was between us. Nor what happened six nights ago. And I know your instincts just called me your mate. But... I just... I wanted to say I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was selfish and stupid and a complete fool. I was blinded by my fear and I know that doesn't make any of what I said any better... But I was... I feared so much that you would leave me. And- And I didn't want to go forward with us only for you to finally realize that I don't deserve you and leave me. So I am sorry. For all of it. I just wanted to let you know. That you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I will always love you."

I finally turned back to look at him. My mind continued to roar at him but why? Why can't I remember him? What happened? What did he do?

I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I didn't even realize he had left me. Blinking in shock I laid down and felt myself drift off back to... reality? Or is this a dream? 

The pain hadn't left me while I had spoken to that male. What had his name been?

A sudden emptiness entered my reality and I blinked at the darkness as it swept through my mind, erasing everything. What was I thinking about? It must have been unimportant if I had forgotten so soon. 

I shook my head, trying to dislodge the hammer that beat on my skull. As it fractured into a million pieces. As my mind was seized from me and...

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