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Vera's POV

"Ugh... I don't feel-" I cut myself off as my last meal came up.

My Uncle walked into the room. He was being rather cheerful until I threw up again.

"Gods! Vera are you okay?"

I gave him a look. "Yes. I'm wonderful. I love throwing up soooo much..." I drawled sarcastically.

"Right. Bad question. Is anything else wrong?" he asked worriedly.

"I'm really hungry. Like actually starving! And I feel fat!"

"Well, I did bring you a yak... That is if you want it..." I broke into a huge smile.

"Ooh! Ooh! Is it salty?" I asked enthusiastically.

"Wait. What? Salty? Why would it be salty?"

"Awwwww..." I muttered in disappointment.

"Geez! Why would I think you want a salty yak? I mean you always used to..." he trailed off as his eyes became wide as saucers. "You're going to have to give me a minute, Verr," he said as he departed the room. I was left staring after him in confusion.

What was that about? So what if I don't like fish? And why does it matter if I like salty stuff now? Why does it matter! I thought in anger. Does it matter? Am I weird? I'm weird, aren't I? Tears started forming in my eyes. And I'm fat! I must be ugly! No-one will ever love me!

I was crying profusely when my Uncle returned.

He just looked at me in shock. "Wh-what happened?"

"I'm weird!" I roared in despair.

"Pretty extra sure that you aren't," he muttered.

I just kept crying. "And I'm fat! And ugly!" The tears kept pouring down my face.

"No, no, no, no, no... You aren't Vera. You are an amazing young dragoness. And you aren't weird. Even if you were, which you aren't, weird runs in our family!"


"It's okay, Vera. Now, do you want to talk about it?" He just sighed as he sat down beside me.

"He hurt me," I said simply. I didn't know how else to explain it. 

"I know, Verr. He did horrible things to you..." he replied. My head snapped towards him.

"How did you know what he did to me?" 

He didn't meet my eyes as he asked, "do you remember how to shift?"

I gave him a confused look. I did. Why would he ask that of all things? I nodded.

"Can you shift?" he asked.

"You just asked that." He finally looked at me.

"Can you try and shift?" he amended.

"Why?" I demanded.

He sighed again, "Just humour me."

I glared at him. "Not an answer," I grumbled. I grunted as I tried to shift. "It's n-not working..." I stammered. "Why isn't it working?" I shouted.

"Well, that's just great," muttered sarcastically.

"Why!" I demanded.

He muttered something I didn't quite catch. I whacked him with my tail.

The Rise of Light (Book 3: Together Forever)Where stories live. Discover now