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Hiccup's POV

I'd memorized these caves over the months I'd been here.

Right now. It was helpful.

One more turn... Light flooded my eyes and flew away from the island as fast as I could.

Let's just put a lot of distance between me and them.

I started hearing a nagging in my mind. Oh. That. 

I blocked Astrid out, yet again. If she doesn't trust me then there is no way that I'm letting her talk to me.

I let out a deafening roar as I flew. Why is the world out to get me!!! Honestly! First Toothless. Then Delta. And now Astrid.

I felt the tears start to roll down my face. Then I saw a storm cloud. I flew directly into it.

Rain started splashing me in the face. Thunder boomed in my ears. And lightning it jumped around me.

I drowned out my anger as I flew through the storm.

As I flew out of the storm I spotted dragon hunter ships.

I felt my anger rise again and immediately turned invisible.

I attacked.

"Changewing!" A hunter shouted.

"No! It's not spitting acid! Must be a Dramillion!"

"Dramillions aren't invisible!"

"TitanWings are!"

"Just fire! We'll hit it!"

Arrows and nets fired. All of them missing me by miles. I rolled my eyes. Amateurs.

I flew at the front of the lead ship charging a blast that would rival the one I nearly hit Toothless with. I added lightning into it and blew a hole in the ship from bow to stern. I flew straight threw the hole and was glad to realize that there were no dragons in it. Only marble.

I did the same thing four more times before having to circle back to the storm to recharge. There was only one ship left and I landed on it, completely invisible.

I quietly flew down into the hull and when I saw no dragons I flew out and, becoming visible, I let loose an enormous blast stock full of lightning and plasma.

I flew away, my work done.

5 months later

Astrid's POV

It's been five months since I've seen Hiccup. Since he felt I didn't trust him. Since he ran away.

We all returned to the Hidden World along with Toothless and Delta five months ago.

Okay. One more time.


No response. But it felt different this time.



My eyes widened.

I'm sorry. I do trust you. I-I guess I was jealous that you let someone else know where you were and not me.

Silence. I waited a couple of minutes.


Astrid. I'm going to need your help.

My heart soared. He needs my help. That was before it sunk again with worry that he'd gotten himself captured.

Do you know anything about raising a baby?

The Rise of Light (Book 3: Together Forever)Where stories live. Discover now