No More Death

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Vera's POV

I stared at my egg. I couldn't wait to see my little one's eyes. Was my little one going to be a male or a female? Was it a fighter? I would know all thanks to Night. Stars, he is amazing! He'll be an amazing Uncle. C'mon, little Shadow! You can do it!

I had a mile-wide smile. What would their name be? 

A small crack appeared on the egg. Yes! You're doing great! I silently cheered. You can do this, darling!

What would they look like? I thought as the crack grew larger. Either way, my hatchling will be perfect! I'll give them so much love! I'll make them happy! 

"He-" I slapped Gale with my tail. No talking!

I stared as my egg slowly broke apart to reveal a gorgeous hatchling. They were black with a dark grey stomach. I pulled them into a tight embrace, licking my hatchling clean. 

I stared into their eyes. They were a beautiful blue. Blackmoon's eyes had been the same colour.

"My little Shadow," I purred. She blinked at me as I fed her a small fish. She tried to walk but stumbled over her tiny paws. 

I picked her up. She settled against my stomach before closing her eyes and falling asleep. As she slept, I couldn't help but think of her eyes. The way they had reflected all of the different colours in our den.

Such curiosity and wonder had filled them.

"Thank you," I whispered to Night. He smiled brightly at me. I beckoned him to come and see her. He looked at me with wide eyes before walking quietly to see her.

"She's beautiful," he said. I nodded in agreement. Gale came up beside him and made cooing noises.

"She has Blackmoon's eyes," I told them. I watched Night closed his eyes and smile.

"That's nice..." he replied.

"What are you going to call her?" Gale asked me. I closed my eyes. The lights in her eyes. The curiosity. 

"Aurora," I breathed. I closed my eyes. It was a perfect name for her. She cuddled closer at the name.

Falcon's POV

It had been just over a week since Aurora hatched. Night and I were flying wing-to-wing.

I did a barrel-roll over me.

"Show-off!" he told me. I just rolled his eyes.

"According to Vera and Gale, you were quite the show-off!"

"I don't know what you're talking about," he replied.

"Oh... just that you brought your sister's egg back to life..." I replied in a bored tone. His scales flushed with heat. I bumped into his side, sending us tumbling down a hill.

When I landed at the bottom, everything hurt. I stilled at the knife that pressed against my throat.

"Owww... Why would you do that?" Night asked me. When he got no answer, he looked around, but couldn't find me. "Falcon?" he asked.

"Over here, Night..." a vicious voice said. He looked at the person holding the knife to my throat and found... 

"Trader Johann." He blinked, shock written in the way his wings dropped slightly.

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