A Lost Romance

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Vera's POV

"I'm not going to apologize for leaving, Gale." We stood in silence for a minute before I continued. "I will not apologize for leaving you out of it, either."

"Then why are you here?"

I turned to look at her. "Because I will apologize for not saying goodbye. Because I love you, Gale." She looked away.

"What did you do while you were away?"

I, too, looked away. It took me a couple of minutes to think of an answer, "I met someone. He was a young Viking. Brash and foolish. I loved him for that, I think."

"What do you mean, 'you think'? You either love someone or you don't."

"It's not that simple. He- He betrayed me in the end. I knew he would, but- Yet- I didn't care. I hoped that he wouldn't when I found out. A small part of me loves him, I think. But I hate him. For what he did to me. What he wanted me to do."

"I think you did love him, then, Verr. Because even if you don't anymore. You still don't completely hate him." I smiled bitterly.

"When did you get so wise?"

"Since you left me to fend for myself." She shifted and took off with me following close behind.

Dreamchaser's POV

Sometimes I came to this spot. This lone rock in the middle of a vast sea of emptiness. It peaked out of the ocean and was big enough for three dragons to fit comfortably.

It was my favourite place to be. With the sea spraying me and the wind brushing past me. It was perfect. Especially when I watched the sunrise.


I stared at him. He was leaving, maybe forever.

"Do you have to?"

"We both know that I gotta, Dream. I'm only 8! You're a whole 3 summers older than me!"

"But-" He gave me a look.

"My parents won't let me."

"I know! It's not like you haven't told me 50 times!"

"I haven't! I've told you at least 1000!" I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed.

"What if I ask you to stay?" He looked at me sadly.

"I wish I could." I nodded in acceptance. This was our last day together.

"Don't forget me."

"I couldn't even if I wanted to!"

"You don't want-?"

"No! Of course not! Have a little faith in me!"


"It's okay. You worry. What are friends for?"  I flinched. Right. Friends. "Are you okay?"


"You can tell me what's wrong."

"Nothings wrong. I'm just sad that you're leaving."

"Just sad?" I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "There she is!" I glared at him.

We sat on our lone rock, splashing each other and laughing.

"Shadowfire! Where are you? We need to go!"

We stared at each other.

"I guess this is goodbye," I stated as I stared at him.

"I guess so." 

I nuzzled him. Something I'd never been brave enough to do before. As I pressed my head against his, I felt the tears stream from my eyes. "Don't forget me, okay?"

"I promise."

He turned to fly away. "I like you, Shadowfire. Like, like you like you. And whoever your mate is in the future, I think they're the luckiest dragon in the world."

I had launched myself into the air so quickly that I was already far away from him. And what I didn't realize was that he had stared after me and said, "I like you that way, too, Dreamchaser." Before he flew off.

*End of Flashback*

Now I stood here. The spot where I had told him how I felt. Wishing that I could see him one more time.

I had had my fair share of males throughout the years he'd been gone from my life. None of them lasted, though.

My first boyfriend didn't have a sense of humour. The second didn't have a carefree nature and lived life as carefully as possible and we had lasted about a week before realizing we just weren't meant for each other. My third boyfriend had outright hated Vikings and we'd last two days. The fourth came a year later. He was perfect in every way and it had taken me a while to realize why it never quite felt right with him. He didn't love me back and was using me so he could become the future Alpha. When I realized this I had given him a wound right over his eye.

Vera had been there through all of them. She'd been my rock when I cried. And my common-sense when I lost all sense of reasoning.

And I only realized now why I had never truly loved any of them. Because somehow it had felt so right when Shadowfire was here. I nearly laughed at the thought of my hatchling crush being the only one I would ever love. Because Shadowfire was the only one for me and I knew it.

Right now, more than anything, I needed Vera. I need someone who can be my rock.

And as if my thoughts had summoned her, Vera appeared, hovering right above me as I let the waves lap at my claws.

"Thought I would find you here!" She shouted cheerfully.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you in like a year!"

"You know. Exploring the world. Falling in love. Being betrayed. Same old, same old," she stated sarcastically.

"Seems like you have a story to tell." And she did. She told me everything that had happened while she'd been gone.

"How 'bout you? What have you done while I was gone?"

"Fang asked me to be his mate."

"Really? What'd you say?" She asked, intrigued.

"I said no."

"Seriously! Why?"

"He only wanted to become Alpha."

"You're kidding! How'd you find out! I need details!"

"Well... He said, and I quote, 'Dreamchaser. You are extremely beautiful. And I would be super lucky to be your mate. Will, you be my mate?'"

"You're joking!"


"What happened?"

"I asked him what he liked about me and he said, 'You're beautiful. And... you're gonna be Alpha?'" Vera was laughing her head off now.

"What a muttonhead! You don't win a female over like that!"

"I know! That's why I said no! Then I came here!" It took Vera a minute to process what I had just said.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait! This happened just now!" I nodded.

"And you're not the least bit broken up about it, cause I remember how you were with your first boyfriend. And he didn't want you for your crown!"

"I'm not because I realized why none of the others worked out."


"Because I'm still in love with someone else."

"NOOOoooo!!! Who?!" 

I gave her a knowing look before answering, "Shadowfire." Her jaw dropped as she stared at me, my answer sinking in. I love Shadowfire. The dragon I'll never see again.

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