Meeting the Sibling

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Vera's POV

I woke up curled around Aurora. I curled around her tighter, giving her a gentle lick on the head. She let out a small yawn as she woke up.

"'Morning, darling," I said to her.

"'Morning, Mum," she replied.

I started humming a little tune to her as I groomed her. My mind quickly wandered away from the scene, though.

"Mum?" Aurora asked quietly. Her bright green eyes were blurry as she looked up at me. It was then that I realized that I was crying.

"Yeah?" I mumbled.

"Why are you sad?" she asked as she nuzzled my face.

I looked away. "I just-"

"It's the Trygve person, right?" she asked. I snapped my gaze down to face her.

"How do you know about Trygve?" I questioned her softly.

"You talk in your sleep sometimes. Who are they?" She gave me such an innocent look that I caved. I stared at the wall of our cave, trying to think of a suitable answer to give her.

"Let's go for a walk," I told her, even knowing that she would bring it up again. She nodded, following me out of the cave.


I watched Aurora sleepily as she chased after a group of Fireworms. I let out a huge yawn as she leapt at one of the small dragons but missed. She tumbled onto her back. I smiled as she rolled over and immediately tried again.

My thoughts wandered back to Trygve. Why didn't I let him come with me? I wondered as I pawed at the ground lazily. Of course, I knew why. And I knew that I made the right decision when it came to Aurora's safety. And yet, I couldn't help resenting the fact that I had left him.

A loud yelp snapped me out of my thoughts. Aurora. Where is Aurora! I whipped around, frantically looking for my daughter. A flash of black scales to my left caught my attention.

My instincts were in overdrive as I pinned the scaleless that was threatening my daughter. I felt a plasmablast building in my throat.

"Mum," Aurora whimpered. What am I doing? I was about to back off when a spine landed beside my paw.

I snarled at the new threat. "Come closer and see what happens," I dared the golden-brown Nadder. She froze, seeing that she was not in a good place to negotiate.

"I leave you alone for two minutes," the Nadder sighed. "I mean, honestly, don't you know better? Never approach a dragoness or her hatchling!"

"You defend him?" I questioned her.

"He's okay..." she replied. "Much better than he was when we first met."

I turned my attention back to the human under my claws. I stepped off of him, holding a wing out for Aurora to hide under it. The human continued to lay there as we watched in amusement.

"Are you hurt?" I asked Aurora while keeping an eye on the pair.

"I'm fine, Mum. Why's he acting funny?" she asked. I shrugged.

"You can get up, little human," I told him.

"'M not little," he muttered. I stared at him in shock.

"How long has he been able to do that?" I asked the Nadder.

She shrugged. "He was able to do that when we met. Why?"

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