The Letter

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Trygve's POV

"I don't get it," I told Solfrid. "We've been looking for her all day!"

Solfrid stayed silent for a moment. "We should probably head back. It's getting dark," she replied. I nodded in agreement.

"We can look for her again tomorrow," I told Solfrid. She nodded.

"How is Hella going to take this?" she asked me. "I mean, you two are dating." I looked downwards in guilt. "You know, I never thought you two were good together," she stated.

"What?" I demanded.

"You and Hella. She's not the best person for you," she replied with a shrug. 

"And you would be better," I demanded.

"No! Ew! That's just disgusting! I have been through hundreds of dragon attacks. I saw my father die in front of me. But I have never heard of anything so disgusting as being with you!" she stated.

"The sentiment is mutual," I muttered in relief.

"Anyway, Hella is so not the right person for you. She's the opposite of many things that you like about someone," she stated. "She's obedient, dependent, too cheerful, usually quiet... Need I go on?" she asked.

"I know. My father pressured me into it. Well... it was you or Hella. And..." she nodded in understanding. "I don't even know if-" she cut me off.

"Let me stop you right there. There's someone that you're forgetting. Someone who you met recently and spent an entire day searching for." She gave me a suggestive look.

"No! I do not like her like that!" I shouted while blushing furiously.

"Puh-lease!" she scoffed. "You're blushing," she stated with a grin.

"I do not like her that way! Plus, I'm with Hella!" I told her with crossed arms.

"You know... I think she likes you back," she replied. 

"Really? Damn it!" I shouted as I realized that I had confirmed her suspicions. 

She continued to grin. "I really do. I mean did you see what happened yesterday? I got her out of her hallucination thing," she replied.

I started smiling as I remembered our brief kiss. 

"Wait... did you two kiss?" she asked me, snapping me back to reality. I blushed harder as I realized that a hand had moved to my lips. 

I sighed as I nodded. "We kissed, and then she ran away."

She nodded while frowning. "Maybe she got scared. It could've been her first kiss," she replied. I shrugged as we reached the outskirts of the village.

"We'll find her tomorrow, and then you can tell her how you feel," Solfrid stated. I nodded before I entered my house, too tired to argue with Solfrid.

"Where have you been!" he demanded. I ignored him as I walked upstairs.

As I lay in my bed, a blinding light hit my eyes.

"What the-?" I thought out loud.

I sat up and turned towards the source. There in my wall was a dagger that was reflecting the last rays of the sun.

I stood up, walking over to it. I pulled it out of the wall, the weight throwing me off a little bit. A paper fluttered to the ground.

One edge was jagged, clearly indicating that the page was ripped out of a book. There were several tear stains. I turned it over as I looked at a couple of the crease marks. A letter was written in neat writing on the other side.

I glanced at the dagger, immediately recognizing it, Heartflame. I sat down at my desk and lit a candle. I traced a finger over the engraving, 'Your wings take you places, but it's your heart that decides where to go.'

I turned my eyes to the letter.

'Trygve,' it started.

'By now, you probably know that I have disappeared. Don't bother looking for me because I've left, and I am not coming back.'

'You may not understand, but life is too dangerous here for me and my reasons are too complicated to explain.'

'However, I am leaving you two parting gifts, the first, Heartflame, treat her well. The second, your safety. You're probably wondering how I can promise safety.' I smiled. She could practically read my mind. 'I just want you to know that no dragon will ever set foot on Lokicrest again.'

'There are so many things that I wish I could tell you. But because we will probably never see each other again, no matter how much I long to, I won't say a word. And don't ever be afraid to ask for help.' 

'You are the best friend I ever had, Trygve, and I know you don't understand. But know that this parting is the best for everyone. You, me, our families and friends. One day you will understand why this had to happen. I will never forget you, and I wish you the best in life.'

'Yours forever and always, Vera Svartr Haddock.'

I fell to my knees at the end of the letter. I clutched Heartflame close as I wept in grief at the loss of Vera. I didn't know how long I kneeled there. Not until I awoke to the harsh light of day. I rubbed my eyes when I realized that I had fallen asleep on the floor, dagger and letter in hand.

I stood up, a new resolve inside of me as I walked downstairs.

"Good morning, son!" my Mom said from the kitchen.

"'Morning, mom," I said with a smile. "Have you seen, Father?" I asked her.

"He was off greeting Trader Lena," she replied.

"Great! I'll be back later!"

"But you didn't eat dinner last night, and you haven't eaten today!" she protested.

"I really need to talk to him, Mom. I promise that I'll come right back here afterwards," I told her with a smile.

She was scowling at me. "Fine! But you better be back here within the hour!" she replied.

I smiled at her. "Okay, I promise. I'll be back within the hour. Thanks," I told her as I ran out the door to the docks.

"AH! Trygve!" my father said.

"Father! I need to talk to you!" I told him.

"Talk away, son." 

I sighed. "Vera left the island, Father."

"Wonderful!" he shouted. I scowled.

"I want to go find her," I told him.

"Why?" he asked me. "You're with Hella, are you not?"

"Yes, I am. But I don't like her like that, Father! You forced me to choose between Hella and Solfrid!" I replied. "But I love Vera!"

He smiled at me. "That's my son! You go get, Vera! Fight for what's yours!" he bellowed.

"Well I don't care! I'm going any- wait... really?" I demanded.

"Of course! Us Stormfalls always take what is ours!" he replied. "You can leave tomorrow," he stated.

I nodded with a smile. I was going to get Vera, but first I needed to end my relationship with Hella.


Dreamchaser and Arvid are 26.

Falcon and Trygve are 23.

Delta's children are 22.

Osmund is 21.

Zephyr and Twilight are 19.

Nuffink is 17.

Aurora is 3.

Blackmoon and Cloudscale are dead.

The Rise of Light (Book 3: Together Forever)Where stories live. Discover now