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Dreamchaser's POV

I watched as Vera danced with our childhood friend, Avery. They were smiling and laughing.

He spun her around until they were within a centimetre from each other and I didn't know who moved first, but there was no hesitation as they closed the distance.

I turned away to my smiling mate. My cousins had finally agreed after a year of arguing with each other. My father had wanted to use the tradition that the Vikings used because if whoever I wanted as my mate was able to impress all ten of them then he was worthy of me.

I smiled back at him before nuzzling against his side. He purred as I rubbed my nose under his wing.

He grabbed my wing with his teeth, right at the joint as I continued nuzzling him, but as I felt his teeth right at the base of my wing I froze.

"What are you doing?" I demanded. I couldn't turn to face him without hurting myself.

He let go. "I wanted you to look at me."

I barked a laugh, "You could've just said so." He raised his eye ridges at me before smirking and touching my wing with his.

"Now-" I was cut off with him brushing the tip of his other wing across my jaw. He was grinning now.

He removed his wings and I frowned a bit as he took off straight into the air. As he shot straight up his tail lifted my jaw up a little so I was looking up. I spread my wings and followed suit.

I stared as he grabbed my claws with his and lead me into a dance.

I smiled as we spun.

Osmund's POV

I was bored out of my mind. Why did I have to go to this stupid dance? Seriously! I had no-one to go with and even if I did... I still wouldn't want to be here.

I hated dancing in front of others.

So here I am sitting on a rock doing nothing.

"I like yore wings." I turned to see a beautiful woman standing behind me.

"Thanks," I muttered.

"Carre to join me fare a dance?" She had a thick accent that I couldn't quite place.

"Fine. Just one," I muttered. My father had always told me that I should never turn a woman down for a dance unless I was married.

I stood up and tucked my wings in.

"You dance verry well fare someone whoo does not like dances," she said as I spun her around.

"How did you know I don't like dancing?"

"You sit on de rock, you say fine and you not even smile," she said simply.

I was about to reply when I saw Freya and groaned. "Son of a half-troll."

She looked at me funny, "Zon of e halve-troll?"

"I have to go. But for what it's worth, I hope I see you again."

I turned when I heard her call, "Waite! What'z yore name?"

"Osmund Haddock." I bowed before turning to run after Freya.

It wasn't until the next day that I realized I had never got her name.

"Freya! Get down here, now!"

"Osmund! You'll never believe what happened!" She responded, obviously very drunk on mead.

"You can tell while we walk, okay?"

"Sure! So anyway-"

Freya rattled on about something that happened as I said, "Mom. Freya and I are going to go."

"What. Why?" I gave her a look. "Ohhhh. I'll tell your dad. Also, can you take Verr with you?"

"I'm 15 and I got Freya-"

"Who's obviously drunk so you're going to take Vera with you."


We walked home with Vera.

"Sorry about this, mom wouldn't let me go home alone."

"It's okay, Os."

"There was this girl-"

"You like someone!" She screeched.

"I just met her, Verr," I deadpanned.

"You admit it! Ha!"

"I didn't admit anything!"

"Yes, you did! Whenever you deadpan you're lying!"

"I do not!"

"Yes. You do! I've known you for 14 years, Os! I know you better than you know yourself!" I scowled at her. "ANYway... What was she like?"

"She was beautiful. She had long brown hair and a strong accent that I couldn't quite figure out where it was from and she had brown eyes. And she was smart. She knew I didn't like to dance even though I never said that I didn't."

Vera was smiling at me, "Seems like someone has a crush!" She elbowed me.

"You better not tell, Zeph! She'll tease me relentlessly!"

"I won't, promise. What was her name?"

"I didn't catch it. We danced for one dance and then I saw Freya was unbelievably drunk and had to leave."

"That's too bad. But hey! It's not like there's too many people in the village. I'm sure you can find her again."

"Maybe," I replied with a smile.

Vera's POV

I was worried. There weren't any Vikings in the village with a strange accent with brown hair and eyes. And I couldn't let them know that I knew who he was talking about.

It was too risky. Especially since I had learnt that she was from a dragon-killing society.

I had known and she had told me that she wouldn't kill a dragon but... Her family was a different story.

If that conversation ever arose then someone would die. I just didn't know who, yet. And that scared me.

So I kept the secret. Dreamchaser kept her a secret and everyone stayed happy. Well... except maybe Osmund. But... It would be worth it. He would find someone else and no-one would die. Win-win scenario, really.

After all, she was leaving tomorrow.


Ya. That was a short chapter but I really don't know what else to write so I'm going to leave it at this cause not every chapter can be the same length. Hope you enjoy. 

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