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Osmund's POV

I woke up to the sound of birds.

The incessant tugging on my soul had finally eased off enough that I could probably stand up if I wanted to.

"Well... we have good news and bad news, Os," a voice said. I cracked open an eye and found Nightengale peering into my face.

"What is it?" I croaked.

"Good or bad news first?" she asked me.

"Bad," I replied after a moment.

"Well, you're a soul-searcher." I gave her a look. "It means that there are literal holes in your soul that will kill you," she said.

I groaned. Great! I'm gonna die!

"And the good news is... That I have a theory on how to stop that from happening, mind you, it won't be easy."

"Willing to give anything a shot, Gale," I remarked dryly.

"You have to find your soulmate," she stated.

A wave of dizziness slammed into me.

"We realized something about soulmates, Os. Everyone has one. They just might not realize it. Being a soul-searcher means that you automatically have a way to find your soulmate. The only problem is that it is slowly killing you."

"Can we go over this again?" I asked her.

"Okay... You... are a soul-searcher. You are dying. You need to find your soulmate to stop the holes in your soul from destroying you, forever. The tugging you feel is pulling you to your soulmate. Understand?" I nodded slowly.

"So I'm coming with you. So you don't die," she finished.

I narrowed my brows. "Going where?" She facepalmed.

"To find your soulmate, Muttonhead!" she shouted.

"Oh, right," I replied slowly.

"So which way?" she demanded.

"Wait, how are we going to find them?"

"Okay... Osmund... You feel a tugging in your chest, right?" she said. I nodded. "Which way is it tugging you?" she asked.

I pointed South-East.

"Great!" she roared. I gripped tightly onto her neck as she rocketed into the air. "Os. You have one job. You tell me if that tugging switches directions. That's it."

"OKAY!" I shouted over the rushing wind.

4 hours later

"Osmund Fearless Haddock! Wake up this instant!" someone roared in my ear.

"WHAT!" I demanded. 

I looked at Gale, who was talking. It sounded like she was saying, "A fazzy badava povaz bo."

"A FAZZY BADAVA POVAZ BO?" I asked her. She hit herself in the head before repeating it. "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" I shouted again.

She rolled her eyes before starting to write in the dirt instead. 'Where is the tugging pointing to?'

"THAT WAY!" I yelled. And pointed South-West. 

She gave me a frustrated look which turned into a glare before writing, 'No need to yell. I can still hear you!' I gave her a sheepish look.

"Sorry," I said in a more normal voice.

"Mara favd aomaara bo apaa," she said. This time I glared at her and pointed to my ears.

The Rise of Light (Book 3: Together Forever)Where stories live. Discover now