The Ship

108 2 3

2 months later

Hiccup's POV

"So... Fi-sh-legs?"


"I was won-der-ing if you could help? me?"

Vera and I had been slowly learning Norse. Well, she was learning it and I was relearning it. Fishlegs was helping us out and so was Astrid.

"Sure. Just give me a minute." He finished scribbling in his book. "Annnnd... done! So... what's the matter?"

"You und-er-stand?"

"Know." I nodded

"You knows how I haves prob-lems with Delt-a and Tooth-less?"


"I w-ant to give-"


"-To forgive Toothless. B-ut I d-on't want to be bestest with Delta."

"You mean to play favourites?"

"Yes. Wh-at would I doos?"

"What should you do?" I nodded. "Well, why don't you want to forgive Delta?"

"She no said sorry."


"Oh. She no said..." I started snapping my fingers trying to recall the word in Norse. "The thing you say after you mean to someone and..."

"Sorry?" I nodded. "She still hasn't apologized?"


"Well, maybe you should ask her if she's sorry?"

"But then she not mean it."

"Oh. I see your dilemma."


"Your problem. I see your problem."

"Di-lem-a. Dilem-a. Di-lema. Dilema."

"In that case maybe I could drop a hint that you may be looking for an apology?"

"Drop a hint?"

"Like tell her inconspicuously that you want an apology?"

"But then no mean it cause you tells her."

"No. Inconspicuously means that I wouldn't tell her directly what you want but more like... ease into the topic about you and then ask how your relationship is and maybe ask if she's apologized."

"Ohhhhhhh!!!!! Will it work?"

"Maybe. She might not get it. Or she might think she's already apologized and you just haven't heard."

"But what with Toothless?"

"Well, you shouldn't hold back from forgiving him just because you haven't forgiven Delta, yet."

"So, I go say forgiven to him?"

"Yes. Go do that exactly."

"Okay. I later tell him. What you want to do?"

"Fly?" I just smiled and shifted.

"Ah... Much better," I cooed.

We took off flying around.

When we got out of the Hidden World I started doing crazy tricks like barrel rolls and diving and pulling up right before I hit the ocean.

Fishlegs was laughing at my antics while Meatlug called, "Showoff!"

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