Sheep Deer

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Osmund's POV

Grimborn. I am a Grimborn. The sworn enemy of dragons.



"What if I'm like him?" 

"Son, I want you to look at me." I did. "You are not Viggo. You get to choose your path. And only you can determine whether or not you are like him."

"But-" She cut me off.

"No buts. You never met Stoick, but your father is not like him in the least. You've met Frost, though. And is he anything like Toothless?"

"No, but-"

"It's not different. You have no idea what Viggo is like anyway. You only have what Hiccup and I have told you. So, look at me." I turned to look at her again. "Hiccup and I raised you. You are our son, even if not by blood. And I've seen the way you love throwing a battle axe around. I've seen how much you care about the dragons. I've seen how much attention to detail you have. That doesn't come from blood, Osmund. That comes from watching others and copying them. You get those things from us. You may have several things in common with Viggo, like your ability to plan ahead. But you are not him."

I threw my arms around her, "I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Mundi." I smiled at her nickname for me. 

I turned when the doors opened.


"Hey, Mundi. How are you feeling?" He asked me as I hugged him tightly.

"Better. What happened?" I asked him. Better to get it over with sooner rather than later.

"Well... He didn't completely get off the hook, but he's not dead." Not dead. The words rang through the air. "He's to have guards and he's not to approach children and hatchlings without the parents and their consent. Also, he must remain in the village and have no weapons."

I stared at him. "Why?"

"Toothless and I decided that we should give him a second chance. Him remaining in the village with guards is as much for his sake as it is ours. You don't have to see him, ever. Okay?"

I nodded. A part of me wanted to get to know him but another was afraid of what I would learn.

"Os! Os! Guess what...! Oh. Are you okay?" Zeph said as she halted right in front of me.

"Zeph! What did I say about leaving the house!" mom shouted at her.

"Stormy said I could! And Nuffink... Oh hey, dad!"

"Why don't you go get Nuffink and go on a flight with Osmund?"

"That sounds fun! C'mon, Os, let's go get Muffin!" She started tugging my hand towards our home.

"I don't really feel like flying right now, Zeph," I told her as we through the village.

"You don't really feel like flying," she repeated slowly. "Are you okay? Do you have a fever? A cold?"

"I'm not sick, Zeph. It's not that," I told her.

"Well, what is it? Is it because mom and dad adopted you? Wait... you did know that, right?"

"What! How did you know that?"

"Oh thank the gods. Mom and dad would've killed me if I had told you."

"You didn't answer my question," I told her.

"Right. Right. Well, I may have found a picture that dad drew of Grandpa Stoick. You know how they always said that his eyes were grey like yours, well in the picture they were green, like dad's. Then I put two-and-two together and figured out that you were adopted," she replied with a shrug. "You didn't answer my question either."

"Well, my mom's dead. She died in an attack by dragon hunters and gave me to dad. And my father... I don't want to talk about it," I replied.

"I'm not gonna judge you, Os," she told me.

"I know. I just... You'll find out eventually so I guess I should tell you. Just... Not right now."

"Later, then?"


After a couple of minutes, I asked, "So what did Nuffink do?"

Zeph's smile lit up her entire face. "He painted the entire kitchen. In deer."

"He's never seen a deer," I stated.

"I know! That's the funny thing! The way he painted them makes them look like naked sheep that are brown with spots and trees growing out of their heads! He even made one with huge teeth! They're hilarious!" she burst out laughing as we entered the kitchen.

I took one look at the demented 'deer' and burst out laughing. They were fat with stubby legs and square faces and huge teeth. They even had a sheep's square pupils! Nothing like the herd of deer that I had seen the past year.

Nuffink walked in and saw us laughing our heads off and frowned. "They're not that bad."

"You're right! They're worse!" I said.

When Zeph and I finally stopped laughing I said, "Mom's gonna kill you."

"He's right you know, or don't you remember the other paint incident?" Zeph chimed in.

Nuffink's eyes widened in realization. "Well, I was bored and dad left all of this paint here and the walls were empty..." he trailed off. "Yeah. She's gonna kill me. Might as well get started," he mumbled as he used a bucket to wet the cloth and starting to scrub the paint off.

"So..." Zeph said while elbowing me as we walked to her room.

I frowned at her.

"I... I... You..." I tried before settling on, "Where do you want me to start?"

"Well, what's been making you so sad?" she asked me as she sat down on her bed and I sat on her chair.

"So you know I'm adopted. And my mom died, a long time ago..." She nodded. "Umm... well what's making me sad is that I know who my dad is."

She gave me a confused look. "Who could possibly be so bad that you don't want them to be your dad?" she asked.

I looked down.

"Os. You know I don't care that you're adopted. And you know that I don't care who your father is. I love you. You're my brother and I will always love you. You know all of that, right?" I nodded. "Good. Then you know that you can tell me anything. And you know that I won't judge you. I only want what's best for you."

I took a minute, unsure of whether to tell her or not. Then when I had almost convinced myself not to. I muttered, "Viggo. Viggo Grimborn is my father."


Finally! I managed to finish this stupid chapter. Yeah, I've been in kind of a rut so I've been having trouble writing for this book. I've been passing my time writing some chapters for the next book. (;

Don't worry. We still got a long ways to go for this book.

There will be a lot of happiness. I'm kinda expecting somewhere around 50-55 parts the other two book were ~40 just to give some perspective. We're already at 40!

Forgot to mention one thing. The next book will take place in I wanna say 1153??? Let's say that. 1253 years after the end of this book (NOT THE EPILOGUE THE LAST CHAPTER).

Oh. I guess I should mention that the epilogue takes place in the future. That's all I'm saying!

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