Drowning in Grief

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Vera's POV

I clung to the promise I had silently made to my brother. 

So when I saw my Uncle and Falcon together there was only one assumption I could make.

Night was nearby.

But where?

I landed behind them and heard him say that I was scarier than my mom.

"Good to know I'm taken seriously around here," I said tonelessly."Where's my brother?" I demanded as I stood angrily behind Falcon, who had looked over his shoulder to see me. 

He shot my Uncle a look.

"Answer. The. Question," I said as I advanced towards him. I was surprised he didn't flinch or move his wings from the weird position they were in.

"He's somewhat okay," Falcon replied. "At least, he's not being controlled anymore."

"That wasn't the question," I growled. My veins flooding in icy rage. "Don't make me hurt you," I said in warning. That got his attention.

"He's right here. But... we don't know what's wrong with him and why-"

"Let me see him," I demanded.

He blinked before opening his wings enough for me to see his eyes.

The lifelessness they held reminded me of my eyes.

"Night. It's okay. Not your fault. You are not to blame. You have me. And Gale. And Falcon. And mom and dad. And our Uncles and Aunts. You are loved. And none of this was your fault. It made you do it. It stole you." His eyes shifted to mine.

"Vera," he stated flatly.

"You have me. I promise. You have Falcon, too."

"He doesn't love me," he replied, still lacking emotion.

"I think you're wrong about that," I told him, trying to force myself to smile and ultimately, failing. He just looked at me before laying his head back down. 

A rumbling laugh came from Falcon and Night's eyes opened as he stood up.

"What?" but his voice remained even, not even phrasing the word like a question.

"I do love you, Night," Falcon told him but he just gave Falcon a blank stare.

"Night. I know what you're thinking, okay? I hate myself, too. And if it wasn't for me none of this would have happened! And none of it is your fault." He blinked as if coming out of a haze.

"Y-you mean it's not my fault?"

"It wasn't. It was the thing that thing in your head. All of it. None of this was your fault."


"No. You are not at fault. You are loved, by both me and Falcon for starters. And you didn't do anything wrong, it's okay."

He just leaned into my chest and I saw the pang of jealousy on Falcon's face, which he quickly covered up. So I nuzzled Night's head before making him lean against Falcon instead.

"Take care of my brother, Falcon, please," I told him, and I was sure a hint of desperation entered my voice.

"I will protect him with my life," he replied and I smiled in satisfaction at his words.

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