An Amazing Day

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Hiccup's POV

"-iccup! W-ke up!"

I grumbled a bit trying to go back to sleep.

"Oh, c'mon, sleepy head! I know you're awake!"

I swept my tail in front of my face to push her away.

"Oh. Well... I guess you don't want to know what today is."

That caught my attention, but I didn't want her to know that.

"I mean it's not like you've been waiting an entire month to fly again..."

My eyes snapped open and I jumped up before almost knocking her off of her feet.

"Hiccup. No."

I looked at her with pleading eyes.

"You gotta eat first, muttonhead! And help me with Osmund."

"Okay! Okay!" I said while shifting.

"'Kay. I'll take care of food, can you check on Osmund?"

30 minutes later

"How about now?"



"Fine. Go. Go." She said, shooing me out the door and I jumped off the ledge, not even hesitating.

I shifted and while I was plummeting I opened my wings. I felt the air surrounding me as I glided.

I'd never felt so aware of every little thing I'd missed out on for a month.

I felt my one wing falter a bit as I tried flapping my wings. The muscles not remembering exactly what to do. Then faltering again as the muscles were weak from a lack of use.

We'll have to fix that.

My steering was a bit rusty, too. We'll work on that, too.

I tried doing a barrel roll, but it took a couple of tries.

As I flew back to the cave I made a mental note of the things I needed to work.

Work on manoeuvrability, wing strength, and endurance. Not to much, but it'll take some time.

"Where have you been!"

I heard someone shout as I glided down.

I saw Vera, oops! "I went for a flight because I can finally fly again!"

"Oh. Well, you're late!"

"Ya, ya. But we can fly there now so we'll get there faster."


"Hiccup! I need you to take Osmund."


"Hiccup, please? I need to go do some recon for Toothless. I'll be back soon, but Osmund needs someone to look after him."


"Ya. He wants me to check on Drago's old base."

"That's like an entire day's flight, Astrid!"

"I know. I know. I'll be back in three days."

"If you aren't I'm going looking for you and I don't care how bad my wing is-"

"I'll be fine."

I hugged her tight before watching her jump on Stormfly and fly off.

"Guess we aren't practicing today," Vera said.

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