Getting Better

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Hiccup's POV

Gods, it hurts so much! This deal I made with the Gods has to be worth it, right? The pain will be worth it. It will all be worth it.


"Ya, I know. I owe you an explanation." I can't tell her what I did. I just can't. Not yet. But, how to explain if I don't tell her that? She'll hate me for it. Ugh! Why is this so hard? "Okay. So, how to begin-" What do I say? Okay, I can't lie. So I'll tell her the truth but withhold that tiny detail. "Well, where do you want me to begin?"

"How did you know everything that happened while you were unconscious?"

"Well... I was unconscious but after I died the Gods came to me and told me what had happened. They then said that I could go back if I wanted because I was so young and selfless. But they couldn't fix everything so they left my broken bone but fixed my wings so I'd be able to fly again."

"Was there a price for coming back? Don't lie to me, Hiccup."

"Well, sort of. I'll be in a lot of pain for a while." Gods. The price... I should tell her... but she'll turn away from me. Hate me. I can't lose her. She's the reason I accepted. I-I had to see her again. And I'm not lying I will be in pain.

My answer seemed to satisfy Astrid because she didn't ask any more questions, "I'm just glad you're here, Hiccup. When I was standing there with the arrow I was afraid. Afraid of being without you. I love you, Hiccup. More than anything. I don't ever want to have to go through that again. Promise me it won't happen again." Why did you have to make this so hard, Astrid? Although, I guess that is a promise I can keep.

"I promise, Astrid. Never again. It's you and me."

"Together forever."

"Forever together," I replied. 

I stared after her as she went into our cave where Osmund and Freya were. 

What have I done?

The Next Day

I was just sitting down watching the sunrise when someone landed behind me.

I turned to find Toothless walking towards me.

He sat down beside me and we sat in a comfortable silence.

"Why?" Toothless asked suddenly.

"Because you're my brother. I couldn't let you get hurt."

"But, why? After what I did to you..."

I looked at him and repeated the words I had just said, "You are my brother, Toothless. No matter what I will always, always forgive you."

He met my gaze for the first time in days.

"Wait a minute... How did you even get up here?"

"You do realize that only one of my wings is broken? And I climbed up here. Just wanted to enjoy this while it lasts."

"What do you mean, 'while it lasts'?"

"Oh, nothing. I just meant while the sunrise lasts. I had a feeling it would be a beautiful one. And I really enjoy the peace."

He just gave me a look.

But I shook my good wing at him as if I was brushing it off.

"I'm going to go. I need to check on Astrid and Osmund." It's worth it. It has to be. At least, I'll watch Osmund grow up. And I can see Astrid.

"Oh no, you don't."

"Oh yes-"

"I meant not without my help."

"Fine," I grumbled.

"Oh come on, Hiccup. It's the least I can do."

"I already agreed."

"Oh. I thought you'd be more argumentative."

"Hello! Broken wing! Can't fly! Of course, I need help! Do you really think that it would be smart of me to climb down the waterfall when you're offering to help me?"


"Okay let's go."

2 weeks later




"I said no!"

"Why not?"

"Hiccup!" She said warningly.

"Why?" I whined.

"Your wing is broken! Don't you even think about it!"

"Kinda hard not to when you are constantly seeing your wings," I mumbled.

"Oh no, you don't mister! You are going to rest! And practice your Norse."

"Fine. But-" 

"Uh-uh, no but's."

I walked back into the cave and started playing with Osmund.

"Ya know, Osmund. Some-t-times I feel like we bo-th God pro-tect-ted. I mean, you r-really think it a co-in-ci-dence th-at found you wh-en did? An-d wh-en I n-near-ly died and did-n't."

I laughed at what I was doing.

"You no under-stand a word I say. Oh well, how we go for a walk?" He smiled at me.

We started walking. Well, I did. He just sat in my arms.

Astrid gave me a firm warning before letting us go.

As we walked we started talking. Well, I started talking to him.

"Ya know, Osmund. There is on-ly one th-ing I want for my bir-th-day, to-morr-row. Well, two things. The fir-st is to fly. And I want an apology from Delta. I wish she would tell her mis-takes. And I miss it, Osmund. The sky. I like when take you with I. Your smile and laugh."

I sighed and continued walking in silence. There's nothing better than a flight. The wind under your wings. The speed. The fresh air in your face. This is awful. Almost as awful as... No, I'm not even going to think about it.

"Hiccup!" I turned and saw Toothless coming at me.

"Wait! I got Osmund!"

As soon as Toothless heard that, he skidded to a stop.

"Your Norse is improving." He commented.

"Thank you."

"So... how's your wing?"

"Fine. Still hurts and I still can't fly."

"It'll get better soon."

"It better." I couldn't hide the resentment I felt from entering my voice.

Toothless flinched clearly feeling as if it was all his fault.

"It's not your fault. I chose to dive in front of you. I chose to get between those arrows and you."

"I know. I just keep feeling as if it was all my fault. My fault that you got shot. My fault that you suffered. My fault that you died."

"I know, I know. But, hey! I'm here now!"

He smiled. "Ya, you are. And this little guy is lucky to have you as his dad."

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