Bring him back

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Dreamchaser's POV

I flew back to the Hidden World. 

Maybe I should go tell my family what happened first and then go yell at dad and Auntie Delta. Ya! Let's do that!

However, my plans might be spoiled because I flew past my dad.

"Dream! Where were you? I was worried!"

I choose to ignore him, If he's going to ruin my family then I won't listen to him. I continued flying which angered him.

"Dream! Get down here right now! Dreamchaser!" Sorry, dad, not listening to you. You've wrecked this family so who cares?

I then bumped into Astrid and sent her tumbling backwards.

"Dreamchaser! What happened? Why are you crying?" She sat down and wiped the tears off my face.

"I'm not crying. Am I? I am, oh my gods! Ugh! This is so frustrating!"

"Dream! Take a breath and calm down." I did as she said, "Good. Now start from the beginning."

"Okay, okay. So I was talking with Uncle Hiccup on the flight to the Hidden World and then I mentioned something about dad and he freaked. The-then he flew to our cave and had a fight with dad. An-and dad he said that he never wanted to see Hiccup again..."

"He WHAT!!!" She yelled as she stood up.

"That's not everything."

"Ugh! There's more? Sorry, this is just so, like you put it, frustrating." She sat down again. "Continue."

"So, after dad rejected Uncle Hiccup, Uncle Hiccup flew away and ran into Auntie Delta..."

"Great." I nodded in agreement.

"Well, I thought it was going to go better than it had with dad, cause dad didn't even accept that Uncle Hiccup was still alive, but Auntie Delta knew he was alive and it started out well, however, she started yelling at him about not being there for her and all that."

"Then what?" She asked, slightly hesitantly.

"He flew off. He flew to a sea stack and I had a hard time keeping up with him. He told me to tell you, that he loves you and he's sorry for not saying goodbye and for leaving without you. He said that he'll always love and will never love anyone else."

"Why is he saying goodbye?" I gave her a look, "No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Where?"

"Where the wind takes him. I don't know where that would be. But, it's not here."

Astrid was quiet for a while.

"What do you say, Dream. Should we go yell at Delta and Toothless."

I smiled at her and she whistled for Stormfly.

Stormfly immediately asked, "Where's Hiccup?"

"Delta and Toothless drove him away." Astrid replied simply, "We're about to go yell at them."

"You mean to say that I spent five years looking for Hiccup and those two Muttonheads drove him off! They deserve a lot worse than being yelled at."

The three of us took off and I found Auntie Delta and Dad arguing and realized that they had attracted our entire family save for Uncle Darkstar and Vera.

I immediately pounced on dad while Stormfly pinned Auntie Delta. The two of us growled at them.

I watched as Auntie Astrid jumped off of Stormfly, "How. Dare. You." She growled, coldly. Everyone stilled at the anger radiating off of Auntie Astrid. "I come home, with my fiancé, for 1 hour. 1 HOUR. Only to find that his so-called family has driven him off." She gave a pointed look at Delta and dad.

"Wait, Astrid. What do you mean your fiancé came home with you and Delta and Toothless drove them off?" Grandmama asked. (Grandmama is Valka)

"Well, who do you think it would be?" Auntie Astrid asked irritatedly. This comment caused murmurs to rise among our family.

I saw as a little girl jumped down from the ledge, "Aunta (Aunta is Astrid). I thinks your talkings of Hiccup."

"Vera?" I questioned. Then my dad tried to get up so I growled at him.

She shifted, "The only and one!" Then shifted back.

"Hiccup? Where is he?" Grandmama shouted.

"He's alive?" Auntie Dawn, Aunt Moon and Uncle Streak asked.

"Hiccup." Grandma (Grandma is Lagoon) said and started crying.

"Why don't you ask Toothless and Delta!" Astrid shouted at them which caused everyone to fall into silence.

"Delta. Where's your brother?" Auntie Delta shrunk back and so did dad.

"You know what. Meet me at the New Great Hall in an hour and I'll explain everything. But for now, I want you all to leave and give Stormfly, Dreamchaser and I a little time alone with these two." A couple of them protested, but at my glare, they nodded and flew off to wait.

"Astrid, what exactly is this about?" dad asked. "And Dream will you let me up?"

"No," I replied flatly.

"Dreamchaser told me everything, Toothless." Auntie Astrid said.

"What do you mean? And why are you back here? You said you were looking for Hiccup."

"She brought Hiccup back, Toothless and you know full-well that it was the two of us who drove him away." Auntie Delta replied. "And I am completely ashamed of myself. Gods! The brother I missed for five years came back and the first thing I did was yell at him."

"I've told you once and I'll tell you again. Hiccup. Is. Dead. There is nothing we can do about it." Dad shouted back.

"I hate you, Toothless. I despise that you drove the love of my life away."

"You claim he's, Hiccup. But what proof do you have?" Dad shouted at her and I saw him start to cry.

"I felt it, Toothless." She had turned away from us. "That day when I lost him. I felt a part of me die. Then when I heard him that day you left it started to grow, like a fire that was reignited but there were only embers left. When I found him again. On that ship." She faced us again. "The bond between us, the small fire that was only embers, became a roaring flame, an inferno. He's the love of my life. In here." She pointed to her chest. "In here I know."

Dad looked into her eyes and saw the tears in her eyes and the burning passion and belief. He looked at his feet.

When he looked back at Auntie Astrid he finally said, his voice shaking slightly, "How do I bring him back?"

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