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Unknown POV

I rolled to my feet as the waves crashed against the sandy beach. It had been only a few days since I had entered my trial. The deserted beach was remote and quiet. While the forest was teeming with life. 

I scanned the area as another cold, sharp wind swept past me.

My little fire was flickering in the cool dusk light. My handmade bow lay, strung, on a stone just within my reach. My full quiver was made of a deerskin that I had caught two days ago. 

A shadow crossed over the stars. My eyes widened as I snatched up my bow and quiver. I doused the fire before running into the woods.

The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself.

My clothes blended seamlessly with the surrounding foliage as I hid away from certain death.

I ran swiftly away from the secluded beach. An arrow was knocked in my bow as I searched the darkness.

I slammed against a tree as another umbra moved in the night. I raised my bow and aimed at the obscuration. The dark blue Monstrous Nightmare perked up before taking wing.

"C'mon, Loki! I had him!" I whispered in annoyance. A cough sounded behind me. It was faint, and I almost mistook it for a trick of the wind, when it sounded again. I edged closer to the rocky shore of the island, where the hacking cough was coming from.

I glanced around. The dusky light turning everything a dull grey. I whipped around to the South end, where there was a young woman.

She was wrapped in chains as she choked up a lungful of water. Her limp form stopped convulsing as she sucked in air.

I pulled her up to the tree line, away from the open-air where a hungry dragon could pick us off.

I had collected more materials for another fire. So, now, I was just staring at her over the small blaze. Her coughing had stopped, letting her rest peacefully.

I couldn't just leave her in chains. I examined the locks. Fairly simple, if given the right tools. I pulled the small wires out of the soles of my boots. Then I set to work.

Vera's POV

My head was spinning as I rose from the heavy embrace of unconsciousness. 

Helheim, here I come. I thought miserably. My senses were pricked as I stumbled awake.

I blinked a couple of times, trying to clear my vision. Where am I? What happened?

I rubbed my head. The sounds of wildlife and waves hit my ears as the ringing subsided. A sharp scent hit my nose. Human.

I whipped around and punched the man behind me in the face. He stumbled backwards, giving me time to run. But, he caught my arm.

"Wa-" I tried to punch him again. He dodged. I shook my head as dizziness flooded me.

I stumbled sideways as I continued to defend myself. He pinned me against a tree.

"Calm down!" he shouted.

"Let me go!" I said, struggling against his rock-like grip. "Let me go!"

"I'm not going to hurt you. Just calm down, okay?" I tried shoving him off of me. He just sighed in defeat and let me go. I tried looking at him. However, I nearly collapsed instead.

He caught me. "Are you okay? My name is Trygve."

I eyed him warily. "You gonna kill me?" I asked him. 

"What? Kill you? Why would I do that?"

I shrugged. "Just seems to be what everyone wants.

He looked at me curiously. "Everyone wants you dead?" It was more of a statement rather than a question. My head was spinning again as I sat down.

"What did you do?" he asked me.

I shrugged, straining to remember anything that had happened. "Must've killed someone important," I muttered.

"You've killed people?" My eyes narrowed.

"I think so...? I don't remember much." 

We stood in silence for a little before he doused the fire. I narrowed my eyes as I watched him intensely. I stifled a yawn. I glanced at the trees around.

I hoisted myself into one of them. Quickly climbing up the branches. I reached the top of the tree and hung off the side. The wind whipped my hair around as I breathed in the bright light of dawn.

I eventually descended half-way down the tree, where I swung upside down. I pulled out the fabric wings that I sometimes used to glide. But now, it would act as a replacement for my wings and a blanket.

I woke up hours later to the young man, Trygve, walking under me. My eyes narrowed before as I followed him from the trees.

"Where is she?" he asked, talking to himself. "She couldn't have gotten far. There's no way off this island unless you built a boat. I hope the-"

I landed behind him, making no noise as I tapped his shoulder and taking a step back.

He jumped and tried to pin me. I easily dodged him. I swept his legs out from under him.

"Ow..." he complained as I looked down at him.

"Why were you looking for me?" I asked him.

"Shadow girl," he whispered.

"Is that what you're calling me?" I demanded.

He stood up. "Well, you didn't exactly give me a name. So, I'm calling you Shadow," he replied.

I snorted. "How unoriginal," I remarked dryly with a smile as I tilted my head. "You never answered my question."

"I wanted to make sure that you were ok-" I stood still and covered his mouth with a hand. "What-" he asked as he pushed my hand down.

"Shut up," I hissed. I glanced into the forest. "Come with me if you want to live," I snarled.

I took off, not even checking to see if he followed. I vaulted into a huge willow tree. A grunt sounded after me. I hauled Trygve up before climbing higher. I didn't dare use my claws in case they picked up on it.

Voices sounded, and I pressed him against the thick trunk of the tree while covering his mouth with a hand.

After they passed, I climbed down and looked at the insane number of hunters.

I climbed back up. Trygve was furious at me.

"What the-"

"Be quiet! I just saved our lives!" I hissed at him. He blinked in shock. "There were about twenty hunters down there. I wouldn't be able to take them in the state that I'm in. Hungry, thirsty, and tired. I'm good, but not that good."

"You mean you could take that many on, normally?" he asked incredulously.

"Yes," I replied.

He gave me a curious look. "What are you doing, Shadow?" he asked as I swung upside down.

"Sleeping," I told him. "I didn't get nearly enough when you woke me up."


Dreamchaser is 26.

Blackmoon and Cloudscale are dead.

Delta's children are 22.

Osmund is 21.

Zephyr and Twilight are 19.

Nuffink is 17.

Falcon is 23.

Aurora is 3.

The Rise of Light (Book 3: Together Forever)Where stories live. Discover now