Don't Interrupt a Bookworm

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???'s POV

I stood at the edge of the magnificent waterfall. It had taken me months to find my way here. 

I dove down. I stared it was so much more different than I pictured it.

I stared as the Fireworms swooped throughout the Hidden World. Usually, they were afraid of other dragons using them as a snack.

It was... peaceful.

As I flew past the Fireworms, staring as they shone like tiny flames lighting up the world.

There were groups of Nadders flinging spikes at each other in a game. Terrible Terrors were playing a game of hide'n'seek. I landed and stared at them all in wonder.

I had never seen dragons act like this before.

I was so preoccupied with watching the friendly behaviour of the dragons that the shadow jumping from rock to rock took me a minute to register.

When it did I couldn't find them.

I scanned the area before my eyes landed on the shadow.

I slowly crept after them, making sure that I didn't get too close that they would sniff me out.

I watched as she shifted and ran into the arms of a scaleless.

I was so shocked that I stumbled backwards and a small rockslide occurred.

A minute later my eyes met forest-green ones.

Vera's POV

I was leaping from the rocks, not even bothering to stop and stare at the Fireworms.

I checked my shoulder, yet again, to see if anyone was following me.

No-one could know about this. They couldn't know where I was going or why I was going there. The instructions had been perfectly clear. No-one follows. No-one knows.

It had all started around the time that I finally realized that it had never been love with Agnar.


I stood beside the flower-covered clearing. I had no interest in entering it because... Well, because I didn't want to wreck the beauty of it.

"C'est tellement belle, non?" Someone said from behind me.

I turned to see a scaleless standing behind me. I cocked my head. I had no idea what she had said.

"What did you say?" I asked her in Norse. She smiled gently.

I watched as she pointed at herself. "Maylis."

"Vera," I pointed to my chest.

"Speak little Norse," she said. "Teach better speak Norse?" I smiled and nodded.

"Teach speak your tongue?" She nodded. We had sat together for the rest of the day. I learnt that she spoke French.

*End of Flashback*

We had agreed to keep it a secret.

She had demanded after several weeks to know where I lived and I had taken her here where she had refused to leave since.

I took one last jump while shifting in midair before rushing to her and hugging her.

The sound of rocks falling hit me and I knew I would be in trouble if it was any member of my family for... many reasons. So I did what instinct had already demanded I did. I leapt in fury form at the dragon only to find that it was someone I didn't know very well.

My eyes met his and I pulled away before turning away and taking Maylis away.

Dreamchaser's POV

I was reading the book my Uncle had finally managed to make big enough that I could read it. It was in Norse which I was now learning to read.

I was so immersed in my book that I didn't even recognize the strange scent or that another dragon had landed beside me until they nudged me. My book was about a princess who had to escape from her psychotic boyfriend and save her kingdom from being destroyed by a crazy king who wants to take back the kingdom which was taken back from him.

"Umm... Dreamchaser? Dreamchaser?" Their poking was annoying me so swung my tail at them so they would stop. "OWWWwwww! Dreamchaser!" The complained before I muffled them with my tail. Then... my book snapped shut.

What happens! Before my brain realized that someone had shUT MY BOOK! Heck no!

I lept at them and pinned them. "How dare you! She was just attempting to escape!" I roared at Vera.

"Ya. Sorry. Not sorry. You see this is really important."

"I don't care. You just interrupted my book!"

"Fine! You leave me no choice. Either you help me or I'll tell your dad that you stole your mom's fish yesterday." I whipped around to her.

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Try me!"

"Je m'excuse! Is what happenings?" A girl asked with a thick accent.

"What did she say? Also, fine! But you are going to make sure my book is safe!"

"She said, I'm sorry. Also, deal!"

"Ma cousine, Dreamchaser. She helps us," Vera said. The first part I slightly understood as my cousin, Dreamchaser. She smiled.

"I Maylis." I smiled back.

Some hours later Vera gave me my book back as I covered for where she would be for the next couple of hours.

I smiled contently as I lay back down on my favourite rock and found my page again.

I sighed in happiness as I breathed in the scent of the paper. Now... Where was I?

I flipped through the pages gently before I found where I had been so rudely interrupted.

I frowned as Raven got caught escaping and was punished.

I smiled as Avery came in and saw her tattered back before rushing over to her and making sure she was okay. And then she made him promise to leave and save her kingdom, which sent me into tears.

"Avery! Look at me!" Her voice was hoarse. "Go."

"I'm not leaving you, Raven," I stated.

"I wasn't asking. You are going to leave. You are going to go save your kingdom. You are the king after all."

What! He's the king! But! Did they get married! Ack! 

"I told you already-"

"As the king, your duty is to your people first. Now, go! Leave me!"


"I know. My time is coming to an end, so you must save our people."

He can't leave her! He just can't! That wouldn't-

I was thrown from my thoughts when someone tapped me. My book went flying.

"My book! What is it with people and interrupting someone peacefully enjoying a book!" I walked after my book, before gently wiping the dirt off with the side of my paw.

I scanned it for any damage before gently putting it in my satchel.

"Don't you people have anything better to do than interrupt me reading! I mean-" I was cut off in the middle of my sentence when I saw who was sitting there.

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