World of the Living

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Cloudscale's POV

Vera was in my claws. Her plummet to the deadly rocks below had stopped my heart and made tears pour from my eyes.

She slipped a little and my claws gripped tighter around her still form, which was surprisingly heavy.

"Why Verr? Why did you do that?" I whispered as I followed her scent back to a large clearing where I saw her brother waiting. And of course, she didn't reply.

I remembered the time before when she had almost attempted the same thing but had turned away.

And now... she had thrown her life away.

I set her down gently in front of her brother before landing behind her.

Night simply stared at her as the tears continued to stream down my face.

Vera. My perfect dragoness. My beautiful love.

Her Uncle immediately rushed towards her.

I could only stare and even with all of the dirt covering her scales, she was the most beautiful dragon I had ever laid eyes on.

"We need to get her to the healer's hut. Let's go," he said before whistling and a Snifflehunch appeared.

They took off as Night grabbed Vera and followed. Falcon and I flew after them.

"Is she going to be okay?" Night asked after Rowan had given her a full check-up.

He looked at us hesitantly, "probably. I'm not sure, though," he replied.

I nodded before curling up beside her, Night curled up on her other side and Falcon curled up on Night's other side.

Rowan huffed a laugh at us and walked back out.

Oh, Vera. Please stay with me. I don't think I could live without you. My beautiful dragoness. My love. I want to see your eyes again. I want to see your smile once more. I want to hear your amazing laugh. I love you, Verr. And I will til I die.

Delta's POV

I stared at my daughter. Her smile had faded over the past days as Vera's absence became increasingly concerning. 

Zephyr had come to visit several times and her visits always seemed to be the bright point in Gale's days.

"Gale?" Zephyr asked as she walked in.

"I just want to lay here, today, Zeph," she replied.

"Okay. If you change your mind, you know where to find me," she replied.

I groaned in frustration.

"I'm going for a flight, okay Gale?"

"Okay,"  she said.

I let out a sigh as I flew off. A turmoil of emotions was rocketing through me. I couldn't even place what I was feeling.

One step at a time. I thought as I flew through the Hidden World.

The village grew closer and as my brother's home came into view I slowed down.

I landed just outside the door. Maybe we could- No. He wouldn't want to see me.

I circled back outside of the village and saw a Night Fury laying very still outside of a pit.

I landed behind him and I could see his chest was rising and falling slowly as blood pooled around him.

I blinked in shock as I realized that the Night Fury was... Hiccup.

His eyes shot open and I turned to fly away from him.

"Delta?" he asked quietly. I turned back around knowing I had been caught.

"H-hey, H-hiccup," I stuttered. He rubbed his head with a paw and I saw a scar across his neck.

"Where'd Falcon go? Where's Night?" he asked. I frowned wasn't Night and Falcon together. "Oh. You don't know either. I hope they're okay. Stars above! You don't know what happened do you?"

Anger flashed inside of me, "The fact that my son was enslaved! The fact that my daughter is missing! The fact that my other daughter is no longer the smiling dragon she should be! You mean the fact that my son is dead!" I spat the last word out.

"Why didn't you save them! You're they're Uncle after all!" I shouted and I could see the anger in his eyes as well.

"You mean that I should try to save them even if it cost me my life? Well, guess what Delta! I did! I died again! Died trying to save your son from the thing that took his mind! And I would do it again in a heartbeat! Whether you like it or not he is blood, my family, and I protect my family with my life! I don't abandon them! Unlike you," he muttered the last part and I barely heard it.

"You're still sour about that! I said that I was-"

"No. You didn't. You never once apologized to me! Not once. And you know what. Toothless did! He apologized and he made it up to me. You. Never. Even. Tried." My eyes widened.

"If you hate me so much then why don't you banish me!" I taunted him. The fire in his eyes grew.

"Who do you think you are," he demanded and he walked towards me, menacingly.

"I think that I am your sister and that you are being a petulant hatchling," I jeered at him.

He growled. "My sister died years ago when she left me for dead. When she said that she hated me. When she threw me out of my home," he snarled.

My eyes widened at the hate in his voice and those words. 

"My brother died when he drowned in the ocean," I replied and he simply looked at me with a bored expression. Okay, that was a bad come-back.

"That's the best you got, Delta," he sneered.

"You are a little hatchling that isn't fit to be an alpha," she replied.

"Really? Well, all I see in you is someone pretending to be strong when they are weaker than a  human child." 

I looked up at him, hurt flashing through me. And it wasn't because he was just trying to get back at me for calling him a whiny hatchling. But what he said was true. I am weak.

There were tears streaking down my cheeks as I started to turn away. He is right. Out of the two of us, I am the hatchling. Not him. He has every right to be angry with me. Every right to hate me.

But, as I turned away, I missed the sorrow in his eyes. I missed the grief and regret. And as I lifted into the sky, I missed his apology, too.

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