12 Years Later

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Vera's POV

I was walking beside Agnar as he took me for a walk along the beach.

He knew what I was. He was entitled as much.

"Where are we going?" I asked him with a slight laugh in my voice.

"You'll see." I could hear the nervousness in his voice.

"Why are you always nervous around me? It's not like I would hurt you."

"I'm not nervous."

"Yes. You are I can hear it in your voice. You know I love you right?"

2 Months Earlier

He kissed me.

"Agnar!" I laughed. "What was that for?"

"For being the most beautiful girl in the world."

"Stop that!" I batted at him.

He smiled kindly at me. "Let's go for a walk, Verr, my love." I blushed.

I kissed him, "You're too nice to me."

We walked along the beach watching the waves crash against the shore.



"Will you be my girlfriend?" A huge grin broke across my face.

"Of course."

Present day

"And I love you." I could hear the strain in his voice. No. He didn't love me. And he didn't trust me. Good thing that I didn't trust him either.

"We're here, Vera." He wasn't hiding the malice in his voice anymore. Not that he needed to as he placed chains that bit into my skin around my wrists and ankles. But not fast enough.

"Good to see you're not pretending anymore, Agnar," I told him as I unsheathed the knife that had been tucked into my pant leg and twirled before holding a knife to his throat.

Those hours, days, years, spent training with my Uncle had made me as strong and swift as he is. I smiled to myself. He still beat me every time but a normal human such as Agnar couldn't compare. Not after 14 years of training.

"So where did you plan to ship me off to Agnar?"

"I wasn't shipping you off anywhere. I was going to make you take me to the Hidden World so I could tell every hunter where it was and dragons would become extinct."

I laughed.

"You're an even bigger idiot than I realized, Agnar. My family would've torn you to pieces if I didn't first."

"How did you even know?"

"I'm a dragon, Agnar. Not human. My senses far outrank your own."

He snarled. "Monster!"

I laughed again, "I'm no monster. A monster is someone who tears families apart. A monster is someone who wants to wipe out an entire species. A monster is someone who kills without reason. A monster is someone with no moral codes."

"Dragons are monsters."

"No. We aren't. There are dragons who are monsters just like there are humans that are monsters. We protect, love and care just like humans. I'm not going to kill you, Agnar. I could but I won't." I pushed him away before shifting so I had scales. Lightning melted the chains he put around me, allowing me to shift fully. "Goodbye, Agnar."

The Rise of Light (Book 3: Together Forever)Where stories live. Discover now