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Astrid's POV

We had set-up a party for Osmund's first birthday. 

We watched as he had chocolate for the first time and his eyes widened dramatically and then proceeded to stuff the rest of the chocolate in his mouth.

He received books and pencils and paper and a mini axe.

The axe he was currently waving around and I had to take it from him before he cut himself.

Hiccup was smiling at that and I smiled back. It was good to be home. To a normal, boring life with my fiancé and child. 

We sat down for the evening and I fell asleep with my head resting on Hiccup's shoulder.

2 months later

Hiccup and I had continued to plan our wedding. He had had a talk with Delta and accepted her offer to become Chief. And now we lived in a hut in the village.

Rowan visited often. And I watched as Hiccup lept over rocks and was quickly followed by Vera. Their training was intense and I could hardly keep up with Hiccup anymore. And Vera. I knew Hiccup went easy on her because he knew she needed the training. And Vera knew it, too.

Dreamchaser had started to hang out with the other males her age.

And Nightengale came over to hang out with me. She was here when Osmund said his first word.

"Ma. Ma. Ma. Ma!" My eyes widened alongside Nightengale's.

We turned to see Osmund saying 'Ma' over and over again. 

He was crawling towards me his wings were fluttering and it looked like he was trying to fly. Gale shifted so her wings were showing and her own wings were fluttering.

Then Hiccup came walking in with Vera and they were chattering about whatever had happened.

"Hiccup! Guess what!" I shouted before tackling him.

"What?" He asked with his sweet smile.

"Osmund just called me Ma!" I shouted.

His face lit up. "Too bad I missed it."

"It is. You should've seen Gale she had her wings out like Osmund. It was so cute! Anyway... I'm going to go train with Heather."

"Have fun, M'lady. I love you."

"I love you, too, babe."

I ran outside and whistled before jumping off the cliff in front of our hut and landing on Stormfly's back.

We reached Heather's. 

"Ready?" She asked me.

"Come at me."

Months later

Hiccup was flying beside me and I was holding Osmund. We were taking Osmund for his first flight by himself. He'd been doing pretty well walking and we were hoping he'd be ready.

Hiccup was just enjoying the freedom of flight by himself. After his... mishap. He hadn't taken a single wingbeat for granted and I knew he wouldn't take another one for granted for a while.

"Hiccup? Are you sure he's ready?"

"Course I am. Vera's been flying as a human for ages. He'll be fine."

"Hiccup's right, Astrid. Osmund has been trying to fly since forever. He's ready," Freya answered.

"Okay... Let's do this." I took a deep breath. "Fly, Osmund!"

He ran off the cliff and for a second my heart stopped until I saw his wings spread wide and gliding on a breeze.

I let out a breath of relief.

Freya started flying beside him and helping him to get the steering and flapping down.

I watched in awe as Hiccup flew under him, just in case. He had said. I knew he did it for my peace of mind, not because he didn't believe in Osmund.

"How's he doing?" Fishlegs asked as Meatlug landed beside Stormfly.

"Great. I was so worried." 

"He's got dragon instincts, too, Astrid. Not just human ones. It'll likely save his life in the future. Hiccup has them, too. And you know it."

"You're right. It's just... Mother instincts I guess. I mean sure he isn't mine. But, I'm going to treat him like he's mine and I love him just the same. No matter what, or whos blood he shares, I'm his mum now and will be 'til the day I die."

"I bet Hiccup feels the same way. Anyway... When's the big day?"

"We haven't actually decided, yet. We have decor, flowers, the location... We just can't decide when and what to wear." I sighed. "Hiccup's been so tense, lately. Actually... now that I say it since that day. It's nice to see him like this for once."

"Maybe it's because of his injuries and being chief?"

"No. I couldn't be that. He just wanted the injury to go away he never let it bother him, really. I think it's something else but I don't have any idea what it could be."

"He'll tell you eventually. I have to go. Heather's expecting me. Have a good day."

"You, too, Fishlegs!" I called after him as he left.

I wish Hiccup would just tell me.

"Astrid! Astrid! Astrid! Guess what!"

"What?" I asked with a smile on my face. The joy on his face spreading to mine.

"Wait for it..." He said while concentrating. A small purple light started to flicker in his hands. I watched as it went from a flicker to a ball of fire. Then it started to grow while becoming increasingly brighter. Hiccup directed his hands away from me as the light shot out of his hands and exploding. My eyes widened in shock and awe.

"That is so cool!" I shouted.

"I've been working on it for weeks. I figured if we could create electricity while human what else could we do and then this happened!" I laughed at how dramatic he was being. "What?"

"It's- Just you're- being- so- dramatic." I burst out laughin as I finished the sentence.

"I'm not being that dramatic." He said with a small pout which just made me laugh harder.

Osmund then came tumbling on top of us. Hiccup pulled me onto his lap and kissed my cheek. I tried to kiss him back, but he pulled away.

I pouted before quickly kissing him on the lips. He just stared at me in shock.

'Come here you.' He said through the bond and my cheeks flared as he hugged me and kissed me deeply.

I smiled as he pulled back and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

He cupped my cheek. 'You are the best thing that's ever happened to me.' My cheeks flared again at his bold words.

I kissed him deeply. We only pulled apart when Osmund tried to climb on Hiccup's head.

He fell back laughing as Osmund climbed on his stomach. Hiccup just held him and I fell beside the two of them. We held hands and stared at the sky.

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