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Dreamchaser's POV

"Are you really my Uncle?" I asked Hiccup.

"I guess. I wouldn't really know because I forgot a lot about my past. Although I've been looking for me soon-to-be-mate, Astrid and my brother, Toothless."

"Toothless is my father so I guess that makes you my Uncle. Nice to meet you Uncle Hiccup."

"Nice to meet you, too, Dreamchaser."

"Wait... are you the Hiccup that everyone thought was dead for five years?"

"Everyone thought I was dead?"

"Well except for those six who were looking for you."

I watched as my new-found-uncle stopped mid-flight, "Toothless thinks I'm dead?" I nodded and I watched as tears started to flow down his face, "I didn't give up on him and he gave up on me?"

"What do you mean?"

I was stunned when he streaked down into the Hidden World. I quickly recovered and followed him towards the cave I shared with my parents. I saw that my father was sitting in front of our cave.


"Who are you? How do you know my name? What are you doing here?"

"It's me, Hiccup, your best friend and brother. I came home."

"I don't have a brother or best friend called Hiccup. My brother died five years ago saving us all from the Fury Killer." My father's fury was building. 

"You know I'm sorry for fighting with you before you were captured five years ago."

"You weren't fighting with me."

"And for the record, I didn't give up on you when everyone else thought the Fury Killer had killed you."

"You didn't give up because you weren't there."

"Why don't you believe me?"

"Because you are someone I just met and are clearly an imposter."

"I should be the one yelling at you. You left me for dead five years ago. You gave up on me. You forgot me."

"You dare accuse me in my own kingdom. You are a sorry excuse for a dragon and unworthy of being a Night Fury. Leave my kingdom now, and never come back because I never want to see you again."

"Fine! I'll leave." I watched as he took off and quickly followed him.

This time he flew into Delta.

"D-delta?" He asked with tears in his eyes.

"Who are you?"

"Your brother, Hiccup."

"Hiccup? You're alive?" Oh, thank the gods this is going far better than with dad. I thought. "You're alive. Where were you for the past five years when I needed you? Where were you when I had a break down because of my mate? Where were you when I found out I was with egg? Where were you when dad died? Where were you when I had to become the Chieftess, a position I only wanted so I could bring peace to Vikings and dragons? And where were you when I was getting chased by an awful little brat? Where were you?" And... I spoke too soon.

I watched, at every point Delta made, Hiccup's ear flaps flattened more.

"Where were you when I needed you? I needed you these past five years and now you show up out of nowhere and expect to be forgiven. Is that it? Well, I don't need you. I don't want you. I don't want to see you ever again! So get out of my life as you've been for the past five years. Leave!"

Hiccup took small steps back until his back paw reached the edge of the ledge, "I-I'll leave. I was just trying to find my way home these past five years and my family."

He turned and took off and I could clearly see the tears running down his face.

"Wait! Hiccup! Gods! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" Delta shouted after him and she took off, but he was already far away.

I took off after him but had a hard time keeping up.  How was he so fast?

He landed on a sea stack far away from the Hidden World. And I landed behind him.

"Why is dad and Auntie Delta so mad?"

"Toothless, he's in pain and is having a hard time accepting the truth. Delta she's just been through a lot and as her older brother I should've been there for her." We sat in silence for a few minutes, "Dreamchaser, I need you to do something for me."

"What is it?"

"Well, I need you to tell your grandmas, your cousins, your Aunts and Uncles and mom that I love them, but I have to go. Toothless no longer wants me here, in his kingdom, and I respect that so I'll leave. It's for the best and tell them I love them. Tell Toothless that I'm sorry for everything and that I'll always love him no matter what. Tell Delta that I still love her. Tell Rowan that I'm sorry for breaking my promise, but it's better if I leave and that I still love him. Tell Mist and Eclipse that I'm sorry for making this journey and that I'm happy that they found their lost loved ones. Tell Astrid... Tell Astrid that I love her now and forever and that I'm sorry I left without her and that I didn't say goodbye and that she's perfect in every way and I'll never love anyone else like I love her.

"And Dreamchaser..."


"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I know we just met and I wish we could've gotten to know each other better. And... and I love you. I wish you happiness and joy and may the gods give you their favour."

I saw him spread his wings and that was when it hit me, "Where are you going?"

"Where the wind takes me."

I was about to stop him again when he gave a powerful downward push with his wings and I watched as he soared high into the air. He used his wings to move quickly. Faster than he had been before and I knew I had no hope of catching up so I yelled, "May you forever have the gods' favour."

Before I knew it he'd reached the horizon and was now just a tiny speck in the sky.

I turned and flew towards the Hidden World to go tell everyone what he'd said.

His parting words before he left our lives forever, all because two of the most important people to him had practically told him that they hate him. I decided I'd give my Aunt and father a good earful first.

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