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Zephyr's POV

Anger overwhelmed me as I flew high and far. My fury kept sparking the lightning in my veins as I flew aimlessly. 

So when I saw an immense thunderstorm awaiting me, I sighed in relief. The light, that was created by the lightning, reflecting off of my silver scales, was blinding.

I spiralled upward, drawing the electricity to me like a blanket. Then I was riding the lightning bolts. I loved this feeling. The rush of colours and wind. I loved the sound of thunder in my ears as the lightning flashed all around me.

This is what being a Skrill is supposed to be like. This flight and the storms. And I loved it. I love my dragon form. My human form had always been disappointing. But this... this speed and sensation. This is what I lived for.

Then I saw the waterspout, and my eyes widened in fear before I caught a lightning bolt and headed for the glacier. I landed on top of it and I looked around for any sign of anything familiar. No sea stacks were insight.

I glanced around again, and I finally realized that I had gotten so caught up that I was now surrounded by glaciers and icebergs.

There weren't any glaciers nor any icebergs near the Hidden World. I would have had to have flown over a thousand kilometres.

I took off, frantically looking for any sign that would tell me where on Earth I am. Looking for any sign as to what direction I would find my home. Anything at all.

I turned around and found myself flying directly into the waterspout I'd seen earlier before I even realized what was happening.

The water stopped me from using my electricity, and the spinning made me so dizzy that I couldn't tell air from the ground.

Then I was falling, spinning and twisting, unable to keep myself above the crushing downpour of water. The cold cave walls of a glacier surrounded me as I fell into a hole, water flooding around me, and with the subzero temperatures, the water swiftly froze around my stiffened body.

I understood that I wasn't going to make it out of this at all, as the cold set in. As I started to fall asleep for the last time, I wished I had gotten to see my family one last time.

Osmund's POV

I stared into the open ocean. My wings were wrapped tightly around me as I shivered in the glacial temperatures. 

Freya landed beside me when the call started again. The pull of my very soul was growing irresistible. I collapsed to my knees as the pain set in yet again. I gripped the compressed snow as the pain grew.

"Dee?" Freya asked me.

"Argh!!!" I shouted. I could feel my soul tearing, shredding as I lay there in agony.

"Wh-what's going on?" she stuttered. I closed my eyes tightly as the pain started to subside.

My mind was clearing as I panted in the chilly air. I collapsed into myself as I tried to fix the missing piece of my soul, to no avail.

I breathed in deeply as a thought came crashing through my mind.

"F-fi-n-d G-g-ga-al-e," I muttered before I collapsed.

2 hours later

"I told you! I don't know! He said 'find Gale', and collapsed," Freya shouted.

I groaned in pain again. Their attention immediately snapped to me.

"Hey, Os. How you feeling?" Gale asked. I could barely register where she was.

"H-hurts," I stuttered.

"Then why did you want to see me? You should've asked to see Uncle Ro," she said quietly. I shook my head and pointed to my chest before I shouted in pain again.

"You're heart?" Freya asked. "Lungs? Chest? Ribs? I don't get this!"

"Wait. You came to me because something in your chest hurts?" I closed my eyes and nodded before pointing to her.

"Seer," I mumbled quietly as another wave of pain hit me.

"Seer? Yeah. We all know that I'm a soulseer. So... what..." she trailed off. "Gods. This. Is. Bad," she muttered.

"What!" Freya demanded.

"Get him to Uncle Ro!" she shouted frantically as I passed out again.

Nightengale's POV

"You saw what!" my Uncle demanded.

"His soul is disintegrating. There are literal holes in his soul," I replied.

"How can there be holes?" he asked me.

"Well, usually, there aren't. Even when someone has gone through something that changed them completely it's not a hole, just a stain blacker than the spaces in between the stars. This... This is something else," I finished.

"I've heard of that," someone muttered from the doorway. I turned and saw my Uncle Fish flipping through a book. "It was in one of the books that date back before we hated dragons," he continued.

"You mean this has happened before?" Uncle Ro asked.

"Yes. The last soulseer dates back hundreds of years. But they were human, and they understood dragons. I have the book right... here!" he said triumphantly.

"What does it say?" I demanded. 

"Well... First, it describes soulseers. Differences of souls. It goes on to describe the dark stain that you just told us about. This is it, the holes. The last soulseer saw two souls in his lifetime with the holes. It's not some kind of physical nor mental problem. It causes physical pain as the soul starts to... disintegrate."

"What!" Freya shouted.

"Let me explain. Your soul is an orb in your chest. It cannot be harmed by physical means even though it has a physical shape. What is inside of your soul depends entirely on your personality," I finished.

"Yes. Whatever is causing the holes in his soul is also killing him as the holes grow. Eventually, his soul will be completely gone and, if it is destroyed, he will die," Uncle Fish stated. Freya stopped for a second before going into a panic.

"There has to be a way to fix it," Uncle Ro muttered. 

"Flip to the two incidences. There might be something there," I told him.

"Good thinking," Uncle Fish said as he flipped through the book. "It says... If you have holes in your soul, you are a soul-searcher."

"Soul-searcher?" I muttered.

"There's nothing else!" he shouted frantically as he searched the book.

"Oh no," I said.


Dreamchaser and Arvid are 26.

Falcon and Trygve are 23.

Delta's children are 22.

Osmund is 21.

Zephyr and Twilight are 19.

Nuffink is 17.

Aurora is 3.

Blackmoon and Cloudscale are dead.

The Rise of Light (Book 3: Together Forever)Where stories live. Discover now