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[ r e s t i n g ]

What gene said stuck with me, I shouldn't have obsessed over him as much as I did.. He told me to go home, but Gene shouldn't be missing school so we had a long conversation about that outside of the house. Travis was out of the shower in bed sleeping now. So Gene and I stepped out to talk about what was going to happen.
"I am not in school ill stay with him, you can't miss school, Gene."
"He doesn't trust you itll be hell. If he finds out youre smoking cigarettes he'll probably have a heart attack.."
"Then he won't. Ill do it outside or in the bathroom. I just want to fix what I ruined.."
"Zane, you know it won't be that easy.. He was seriously hurt."
"I know that. I know all about trusting people."
"But you haven't been touched before without consent. He needs to go to a doctor when he is up to it and can talk.." Gene said, I nodded. That was true, something could be wrong like std wise or he could have an infection in the open scratch. "Ill talk to Travis about you staying here with him.. but I only assume he wont like it." Gene went back inside to Travis. I stayed outside to smoke a cigarette out of stress. At this point it was puff or cut, and I liked the first option better. I knew I was so far gone that if I cut I wouldn't stop. The cold air made me look like a typical smoker on their break out in the dead of winter. I went back inside after stomping on the butt.


Dante's POV
I walked in to Travis after Gene went outside with Zane. I sat next to him making sure he was sleeping okay.
"Oh buddy.. what did they do to ya..?" I wanted to comfort him, rub his arm but I didn't touch him in case I would have woke him up. But Travis looked up at me with tired eyes. He tried speaking, the first words hes said all day so far.
"..a-a lot..-" His voice cracked and sounded terrible, almost like he went to a concert for three nights in a row.
"oh hey.. you don't need to strain yourself-" I said. He nodded and curled up in a ball. I felt terrible. He didn't have to answer me, but he did. It was like he was trying to act all tough for me but it was okay for him not to. I didn't care if he was gay or fem looking or if any of these things happened to him, he was still my friend and I cared about him. Just like Gene and Zane said, I wish there was something more that we could do.. Gene came in and started talking to Travis.
"Hey listen Trav, Dante and I have to go to school.. Is it okay if Zane stays with you until we get back?" Travis looked up at him and hesitated, but nodded.
"Im glad.." I said and that earned look from him, "We don't want you alone, even though you and Zane aren't getting along right now.. youll have plenty of time to be friends again." I said with a sorry expression on my face, I hoped it wasn't a sensitive topic for him.


Dante and gene left for school. While Travis was sleeping, I called Garroth. Something about him was different. At this point i felt like i could trust him.. he hasn't showed much affection for me ever in my life until recently. And i was surprised i let him in so easily, but i thought it was about time that i listen to the therapist, everything else she told us to do was working..
Travis was sleeping so i sat on the couch and stared at the ceiling, being self absorbed, thinking about how i could have been there for him. I played music on my phone, laying it on my chest. I was humming, i know my singing voice was not as good as Travis's; and now that i think about it i never got to finish learning that song on the piano for his surprise. I was hoping that he would like it but.. i can't sing and i stopped playing the piano once we started arguing more. I started singing, in the pitch i could handle of course.
"Petals off of flowers, did you ever really love me? Now my nose is filled with powder and i think that he's still lovely, oh no. He knows im a wreck.. I gave you all my trust, and i told you 'just don't break it'. I promise that ill clean up and maybe we can make it.. but no, i think were both a mess.." I almost started tearing up at the last part. I heard movement from the bedroom so i sat up looking in there. Travis was sitting up looking at me.
"Sorry.. I know im bad at singing ill be quiet.. Do you need anything..?" I knew he couldn't answer but i tried anyway. He shook his head no and laid back down looking disappointed. I went back to laying on the couch, this time without music.


after school Gene came back to the house.
"Hey boys, im back." Gene said, he set his book bag down next to the door. "How has he been?" Gene asked me.
"Sleeping, so i guess okay."
"At least he's resting.."

While Gene was doing homework, there were knocks, and footsteps that made him stop and get all jumpy. I had never seen Gene in that state before, and considering i knew what the noises were from, it made me smirk as i tried not to laugh.
"What the hell was that?"
"What was what?" I tried to act dumb.
"Did you not hear those footsteps?" He looked so scared.
"No?" I turned away and bit my tongue to not laugh.
It happened again, but the noise went right into the bedroom where Travis was.
"Zane- did you hear it that time?!"
"Yes- i can't believe youre scared.. It's his dad. He follows Travis and watches over him."
"Oh.. so youre saying he watches him all the time.?"
"I suppose, yes."
"How are you so okay with that? It's creepy as hell." He said uneasily. 
"Im used to it. I can't believe youre scared of a ghost." 

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