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[ s i c k ]

"Deeeemmooonnnnn.. I don't feel to good.." I said out loud, I held my stomach and my head.
"welll, we did take a few pills and like.. three drinks"
"Im gonna get sick-" I said, knowing the familiar feeling. I sprung up out of bed and ran to the bathroom throwing up the beer and pills in my stomach. I always cried when I got sick.
"Don't try to hold it in- im still inside your body and it's very uncomfortable."
"Youre making me gag don't say that-" I coughed out, tears running down my cheeks.
"Good, that's my goal here. I don't want alcohol poisoning." I continued to throw up, sitting in the bathroom on the ground for what felt like an hour. I felt a hand on my shoulder, but when I turned around there was no one there.
"dad..? is that you.? Why are you back? I thought I told you to leave.." I laid on my arm on the toilet lid. I heard two knocks. I was too weak to get my phone from the bed to hear what my dad was trying to say to me. "dad I-.. I can't listen to you right now..-" I got sick one more time. I felt his hand on my back, his cold hands.. It was quite frightening, but i knew he was comforting me in the only way he could. I felt a static energy on my back as well. I was finally alright enough to go lay back down but I was dizzy. I stumbled back to the room. I laid down, curling up under the blankets because my feet and hands were freezing. I turned Ghost Adventures on the tv so I could rest. I saw my father's dark shadow reappear.
"Travis knock this shit off right now. Youre going to end up like me." He yelled, but it was still quiet considering he was a ghost and yelling. i was surprised he had enough energy to speak out loud where i could hear him.
"what's the point. If I do then ill see you again.. right?"
"Travis Mathew Valkrum!" He shouted, I coward down immediately. Yelling still scared me no matter what. "Im going to get Zane."
"Dad no- I don't need Zane.. Dad? Are you still here?" There was no answer, I assumed that meant he was gone already. I swallowed another pill before going to bed, using the excuse that it would help me sleep through the pain. it was currently 2 in the afternoon.


it was 8 at night when I woke up. I hadn't eaten all day, so the hunger pain in my stomach is what woke me up actually. i made my way sleepily to the kitchen to make a small cup of mac and cheese. It was the one thing i couldn't get tired of ever, and it was small enough that i could stomach it. I was bored and lonely, but still didn't feel like talking much. I was kind of glad my dad went to get Zane.. i couldn't get the courage to message him myself, even though i needed to apologize to him. I needed him here to help me.. It was my fault and he was trying to fix it, and that didn't feel right to me.. 
"What if he doesn't show up?" 
I dont know. I guess ill message him.. i doubt he's doing okay. Stuck there with Garroth and no one to ask if he's okay. He never slept while he was here, never ate.. im sure he looks bad.. 
"I dont know anymore. I don't have any good advice. We need him.."
I know.. deep down i know it too.. i let my mood swings control me.. 
"Us. I lose my temper too. I guess we wait now.." 

[ an: i changed this chapter a lot, thats why it's shorter now ] 

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