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[ m e e t i n g a g a i n ]

"Lets recap the past few days. Travis has been laying in a bed because the nurses want to keep him for observation. We can't accept the fact that Zane is actually gone. Dante and Gene keep coming in here to check on him, give him some company, but nothing is working. He just keeps playing that stupid video that Zane made and he knows every word of the song now. Speaking of Dante, here he comes." -Demon

I was laying there listening to the video Zane made before he.. Dante came in and shockingly Garroth followed him.
"W-What are you doing here.?" I noticed he looked a little less dead inside than I expected.
"I came to see how you were doing." He said in a caring tone.
"Oh.. well yeah this is it. I'm thriving." I said sarcastically. It made Dante chuckle, i didn't know what was so funny but whatever. Gene walked in a few minutes after.
"Where were you?" Dante asked his older brother.
"I was getting a snack, is that a crime?" Gene asked sarcastically.
"Oh, sorry bro." Dante said and turned back to me. I saw a familiar dark shadow pass behind them. I felt my face heat up with embarrassment.
"What's wrong, dude? you okay?" Dante asked. I tried shaking it off, to try to see if my dad would scare them. The rolling table next to me with my water on it moved by itself. They all turned pale and went stiff.
"What.. was that.?" Garroth asked.
"It's probably my dad." I explained smiling.
"Ummm im sorry what did you just say, Travis? Dad?" Gene looked confused. I sat up and looked around.
"Yeah, he's here somewhere." I smiled as I spotted his shadow that flicked Garroth's head.
"Ow-! Where is he!?" He grabbed Gene and they both whimpered like babies.
"We sacrifice Dante- take him not us-" Gene said holding onto Garroth tighter and closing his eyes hoping it would end soon.
"What no- don't sacrifice me- he won't hurt me will he, Travis?" I couldn't help but laugh and play along with my dad, i shrugged. Then i saw my dad's shadow wrap around dante's shoulders. He about passed out and it made me laugh. "Ohh please mr. warlock valkrum sir don't hurt me please i saved your son-" Dante almost started crying. That's the most ive laughed in awhile. My dad backed off and came over to my side. "No Dante he won't hurt you unless you make him angry." I explained.
Garroth left after awhile, so it was just us three again.
"Im bored, Travis."
Me too, Demon..
"Can we go for a walk tonight?"
Maybe, ill ask the nurse when she comes in here.


I felt so full after my fourth days worth of treatment, which i didn't want to talk about.. Garroth left while i was getting it done and came back. Gene came to see me too at one point.
"Do you think Travis is still alive..?" I asked nervously.
"I wish i had better news for you buddy but i don't know.. I haven't seen him here, and maybe your dream was wrong. Maybe he doesn't even know this is happening." Garroth said with a half frown. I looked away, feeling the same pain i did the night i heard the love of my life call me a mistake.
"Zane do you want to get out and walk around tonight? I heard there are fairy lights around the back patio if you want me to wheel you around or something." Garroth suggested.
"Ill think about it, Im just going to read all day for now." I said back, grabbing my book and opening it, trying to forget about Travis and just focus on reading.
"Zane.. don't pretend with me anymore. I can see it in your eyes. You miss him still dont you?"
"Of course i do- He.. he loved me for me. He didn't care what body parts i had or didn't have. He just saw Zane. And that's all i ever wanted in a person, was to love me for who i wanted to be. It was a plus that he was adorable and played piano. And the co- oh wait you don't understand the whole colors thing do you?"
"The what?" He sat down confused."
"This is going to sound crazy but I was colorblind until i met Travis in real life. I was unknowingly texting him on snapchat and then we bumped into each other and colors just appeared! It was like magic- like the universe telling us we were meant to be."
"I never had that.. Then again i grew up with Laurence." He said blushing. I looked up at him quickly shocked. Was he implying he was gay for his best friend?! But all the girls he had sex with-?!
"Well.. they've been gone since he was kidnapped and they really aren't there now that he hates me."
"If he knew what was going on im sure hed be here for you." My brother said, sounding so sure of it. I tried to read my book but i put it down not being able to focus on the words. I started listening to music, 'Goner' by twenty one pilots.
"Pst." I heard from the chairs. My mom was sleeping all the time, worried to death of me im sure. So the noise came from my brother. I looked at his direction taking my earbud out. I wasn't listening to music anymore, but i was laying there looking at the ceiling like i used to.
"Want to go for a walk? It's about 9:30 or something so the lights should be on in the hallways. I know you like fairy lights and stuff like that." I nodded and tried standing up, the iv rolly thing coming with me. "Got it?" He asked.
"Yeah i can walk. I was walking until the very end." I explained, sneaking out with Garroth who kept texting someone on his phone. Probably some excuse to see Laurence or something.. I knew he was just pretending to like me..no way someone with as much hate towards me as he had could just flip the switch like that. We wondered the empty hallway, walking at a snails pace.


"Travis? Travis are you awake?" Dante asked. I started waking up at the sound of him talking.
"I am now.. What's up?" I say rubbing my eyes.
"There is something Gene wants to show you." He said. He looked like he was trying not to smile, but it might have been my drowsiness seeing things.
"What the hell does he want? It's 10 at night we were sleeping. Does he want to deal with a sleepy demon?!"
Calm down, Demon.. It might be important if he woke me up...
I followed Dante out the door and into the empty hallway, but then saw Gene on his phone waiting for me. He was texting someone. Dante stopped walking with me once we made it to Gene, and i noticed he was also on his phone.


Meanwhile this is what is really going on in their group chat:
Garroth: got zane out were down the hall
Gene: in position wake travis up.
Dante: he's awake and approaching gene.
Garroth: good you have time, the emo is sulking.
Dante: good luck boys, should i stand by incase it goes bad?
Gene: sure but i guarantee it wont.
Dante: bet bet
Garroth: were at the crossing hallway where are you guys
Gene: ill hurry him up- you should hear me.
( theyre literally talking like theyre on a mission right now! XD )


I was walking down the hall looking out the window. We were in the hall that went over the road. I honestly wished i could jump into the traffic, so if the fall didn't kill me getting hit by a car at 70 miles per hour would.
"What are you thinking about?" Garroth asked me softly. I must have been hyper focused on the cars moving below us. I glanced down some more, "Oh nothing important." I said. I was already hiding the fact i was still suicidal while being at the hospital for that reason.
"This way, hurry-" I heard Gene's voice faintly. I turned around to see where it was coming from, and it might have been from the other end of the hallway. I turned to Garroth who I noticed was not behind me anymore. "Garroth? Garroth where did you..."(que the music (; )  I trailed off as I noticed the wall was a cream color.. And the carpet in the hallway over the road was a dark blue. "How the..? How are they back..?" I saw the colors slowly appear around me, causing me to turn around to follow their direction.
I stood there dumbfounded. I saw.. Travis. Standing there with tears in his eyes.


"This way, hurry-" Gene said to me, practically dragging me down this hallway that led to the overpass type hallway.
"Gene what is it?" I asked as he slowed down. I looked around and saw colors... they were going everywhere around me, leading down the hallway. Gene pushed me softly into the hallway and i saw Zane standing there with his back to me. I stood there shocked, watching him speechless as he fumbled around, following the colors. He turned to face me and looked just as shocked as i was. I started walking towards him slowly, afraid it was a trick or prank. Like he wasn't really there. He started walking towards me too, the rolling iv bag and all.
"It has to be him, Travis! He's alive!" Demon said excitedly in my head. So the last few steps i took, i jogged to reach him faster. I hesitated to hug him, thinking he hated me still, but the tears in his eyes said otherwise. I didn't want to hurt him, but i wrapped my arms around him and i felt him immediately do the same. My grasp tightened around him as i started crying.
"Damnit Zane i thought i lost you!" He held the back of my head and kissed the side of my head as i dug my face in the crook of his neck.


Travis ran up to me and hugged  me tight. Without hesitation i did the same, not wanting to ever let go.. I heard him cry as he dug his face in the crook of my neck. It was instinct to hold him like i used to. I kissed the side of his head. I spotted Gene leaning against the wall down the hallway with a smile on his face. I closed my eyes trying not to cry myself. I bet this was all of their doing now that i think about it. The amount of time they've been spending on their phones. I thought he hated me, wanted nothing to do with me but his actions say otherwise. "Shh shh.. Im right here.." Is all i could think of saying at the moment. Travis backed out of the hug abruptly, i thought i did something wrong. But no, he leaned in and kissed me.
And without thinking I kissed back. I felt Travis grab my cheeks and continue to lock our lips. I pulled out first, feeling guilty. "We have things to talk about.." i said in a soft tone.
"I know.. im just glad to see you alive.. i thought you died.. i never got to apologize for how everything turned out.."
"Its okay. i promise.. I thought you died too. Im so glad to see you in color again.. "

an: i think this chapter could sound better but not sure lol.

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